OK, this is as bad as I can make it for you, iphone pic, badly exposed standing in detolf. Horrible iphone lens distortion, horrible color cast, no detail on face (although the even exposure shows you the eyelids and fully finctioning PERS.)
(not sure why I'm doing this as it could lose me business, but never let it be said i wasn't honest).
Just to be clear, this isn't just a haired DX11, the face has been changed, resculpted and partially repainted.. And I haven't futzed his hair here.. the cool thing about this method of hair application is that it's pretty futzable, Seb (Elvis) will tell you the same thing. It's pretty sturdy. I have a BobbyC head which I'm terrified to touch, you can actually comb this guy's head (gently).. Jackson included to show how unflattering these pics are.
(this one's a bit brighter)