They are both friends of mine, that I did favors for.
Bob Causey is BobbyC here, here's his head sculpt:
I can track him down, but I'm not that much into clothes, I'm more into sculptures. Best thing is that I was able to get the dx 11 for 340$ MIB (plus shipping) and get the head sculpts for free![]()
Nice pic. I like that background a lot. TDK poster?
Still reminds me of a dressing gown. That's 'bathrobe' in American English.
Guys I can get my hands on a DX11 non-laughing sculpt, I was thinking of putting it on my DX01. Does that even work, if it does, how does it look?
They are both friends of mine, that I did favors for.
Bob Causey is BobbyC here, here's his head sculpt: