I transplanted the Bank Robber normal head onto the V1 and left the slicked hair head on the Bank Robber. Worked out pretty well for me.
That don't make no sense.
Before I put mine together (had to wait for the Bank Robber to start shipping that holiday season) I was in awe over those pics of that combo. At the time I didn't think it could get much better.
The Joker V1 is an awful representation of the Joker character. Anyone who bought it can't have possibly bought it to display it as an representation of the Joker in their collection. The only reason why someone would buy that crap is to play with it. Children play with toys and they don't care so much about accurate resemblance. He was implying I'm a kid. Funny. The only kids here are the people who bought that figure 4 years ago. Which wasn't long ago.
BTW: I loved Super Mario on NES.
Dammit, I caved in and pre-ordered this Joker.Looking back at that pic, I've now bought every iteration that Hot Toys has offered. That character was what started me in this hobby in the first place. I loved the character and performance so much that I wanted some representation of that, and as they say the rest is history...
Still don't make sense. Hot Toys up to that point didn't look exactly like the actual person to the most minute detail like they do now. I bought the Colonial Marines without likenesses at $85 as did many 1/6 collectors and we enjoyed and still enjoy them. They were the best thing available at the time and the Joker V1 was the best representation of that character at that point. Now every single figure is nit picked to death, photo shopped, birth marks counted, etc. I kind of miss the days of V1 Joker to be honest.
It's funny, that Bank Robber Joker is probably the main reason I ever joined this forum in the first place, but I, too, was a bit unsure of which 1/6 Batmen were superior to others at the time. I remember referring to Michael's Toy Review for his reviews (or Wooksters, can't remember) with comparisons between HT, Takara, and Medicom I think. And I was unsure which of the first two HT Dark Knight Batmen I should have bought, though it seems like a no-brainer in hindsight (OC Bats is way better than the new suit MMS version).Yeah it took them forever to get that panda Joker out.
I remember all those threads with polls. "WHICH 1/6 JOKER SHOULD I BUY: HT, DCD or MEDICOM?" I believe the earliest Joker custom was the DC Direct head repainted then frankensteined onto the Hot Toys figure.
And that's simply why I didn't buy them. Their purpose is to resemble the actual person. And that's the only reason why I would buy them, because I want something that looks like the actual person. So in my opinion, if you don't buy them for resemblance, which the Joker V1 lacks, you buy them to play with.
That's a very condescending attitude to have toward collectors that have been in the hobby for a long time. Oh well.
The more and more I look at this the more and more disapointed I am. When you think of what hot toys has done of late, Reees superman, Captain Jack, 89 joker, all amazing. This well, this puts hot toys back 2 years. The main skupt is closer to the original v1 joker than looking like heath. I 'm sorry but the main head skulpt is not better than the br skulpt.
Was expecting a dead on likeness and maybe real hair.
Nah, it's just an uninformed and simplistic opinion.
And that's simply why I didn't buy them. Their purpose is to resemble the actual person. And that's the only reason why I would buy them, because I want something that looks like the actual person. So in my opinion, if you don't buy them for resemblance, which the Joker V1 lacks, you buy them to play with.
Edit: Or, that person have pretty low expectations when it comes to resemblance...