Justin's lightbox review does show the features of both pieces really well. The Gonk Droid fares better, despite it's lightweight construction. At least the legs have a bit of articulation to add a bit of character to what is basically just a box with feet.
Now the Jawa.
While that robe color may be more "accurate", a slightly darker tone might have looked better. For all the alleged concern with color accuracy on HT figures, they darken hair and features quite regularly on figures in the journey from proto to production so a darker tone here wouldn't have been out of place. Now as for all of the weathering and distressed features to the robe that Justin praises greatly....I'm just not seeing it. The robe looks very "fresh" and new. I'm also not a fan of how the hood appears to frame the "face". I'm hoping it can be pulled forward a bit to take the emphasis off of the clean black lining. While it could be a plus to have it all wired to assist with the futzing, it's still not a home run. That color might look better if I get it out among the rocks of my favorite photo spots but now it's hard to say.
And yes...odd that he makes no comment on the bandoleers. There fare better in his video, but like the robe, still look a little crisp and new. Sideshow definitely provided better looking ones.
Now, if the body is better (more solid), I could see myself trying to pick up one at TA to transfer the Sideshow robes and head to.
Those stands. Good God, what was HT thinking? If the paint and finish on them would have been much better, they may have passed muster. But to include something that is so glaringly cheap and poor quality with a premium product for one of your premiere licenses is just insane.
And finally...the eyes...WTF? LEDS sunken so far back in the head that they are barely visible? I hope Justin (or someone else) tries replacing the batteries and showing us if that helps at all. Why on Tatooine would HT have the most distinguishing feature on the Jawa end up being so ineffective?!?
Glad to have another look here. Still on the fence. I have plenty of time to consider since BBTS seems to be at the end of the line for receiving stuff these days.
Very much looking forward to even more looks.