Royce Sandwich
(He's more to the front of the 2)
yes, it wouldn't.
enlarging the head AND shortening the neck AND narrowing the shoulders could.
P1 looks like he's wanting to play a little grab ass with Royce.
movie variants.I have to disagree. I don't want my predators looking like
that's where the slippery slope is - when toy manufacturers think they know better than the fx people who designed the characters/costumes in the first place. Kenner was great at doing this. but HT's mandate is accuracy, and when collectors start making excuses for inaccurate sculpts, HT has no reason to make improvements. if you don't care about accuracy, go back to buying Kenner toys. the rest of us expect $200 collectibles to look like what they're supposed to.I have to disagree. I don't want my predators looking like the old bobble heads of old (like in the Hot Toys AVP Predator Series). I think a smaller head looks more realistic, proportional and asthetically pleasing even if it may not be movie accurate. In short, thank you hot toys for stopping with the bobble-head look. It's about time the heads got smaller.
there was almost nothing accurate about the AVP preds. i'm talking about the actual Berserker movie costume vs HT's Berserker.Please don't tell me the head proportions of the AVP predator line were movie accurate. They were total bobble heads!
What I didnt understand is why didnt the classic predator stab berserker in the neck, back, leg, chest, throat when he was invisible and had the drop on him?^ Classic being modern humans ..... and Black/Super Preds being Neanderthals (or H. erectus, being it has a smaller brain case proportion compared to the Classic). Classic did outwit the "Brute" but lost in pure strength fight.