Super Freak
I contacted canada post about my parcel and they said they still haven't recieved any parcel with my address on it. I was supposed to get my berserker on tuesday, but i still havent recieved it. Im starting to get worried
O ok cool. I bought mine from there too and Im just waiting. I thought the ones from there had a problem with the LED light but I guess not.Toys 2. I pre-ordered it and paid the day they put it up.
That sucks man. I hope you get some kind of confirmation soon.I contacted canada post about my parcel and they said they still haven't recieved any parcel with my address on it. I was supposed to get my berserker on tuesday, but i still havent recieved it. Im starting to get worried![]()
That sucks man. I hope you get some kind of confirmation soon.
How can it be vey disappointing when its been scaled from the prototype to reflect the shorter berserker predator that was actually in the movie? I don't think you saw the film or you believe the hype that a gang of dorky people keep ignoring in this thread because theyve committed to an argument that just doesnt hold water and want to troll this thread to give people out there reading it that the figure is a fail. Dont ____ me and anyone with a brain that there is something so wrong with that you just had to buy it because that just means that you dont really have a problem with it at all and the lack of photos just reinforces what Im thinking. He is easily the biggest predator hot toys have made so you are full of it just name a predator that is bigger in the hot toys range? You mustnt have many if you cant even see that so what the hell are you on about? And of course the head is smaller than the more traditional designs we saw in the movie because duh its a new design that dosent have a head as big as the older preds. maybe you should send it back because you dont really seem impressed at all despite spending 200 on it. I was completely blown away with it and if you collected neca for as long as I have with all their crappy quality and sloppy paint it was like entering a different universe where things were actually built right and didn't fall apart and look like crap compared to the proto shots. Hot toys did a good job with this on for sure and it easy to see when you actually hold it in your hands and take in all the hardcore attention to details. The head could be a bit more like the movie but most photos that the idiots use to argue in this thread only show the face and muscles in one frozen position and that just dosent truly represent the total design of the movie berserker. Why take a moment frozen in time and then use those moment to compare everything to them is just stupid and pointless its all just to get a rise out of people.
How can it be vey disappointing when its been scaled from the prototype to reflect the shorter berserker predator that was actually in the movie? I don't think you saw the film or you believe the hype that a gang of dorky people keep ignoring in this thread because theyve committed to an argument that just doesnt hold water and want to troll this thread to give people out there reading it that the figure is a fail. Dont ____ me and anyone with a brain that there is something so wrong with that you just had to buy it because that just means that you dont really have a problem with it at all and the lack of photos just reinforces what Im thinking. He is easily the biggest predator hot toys have made so you are full of it just name a predator that is bigger in the hot toys range? You mustnt have many if you cant even see that so what the hell are you on about? And of course the head is smaller than the more traditional designs we saw in the movie because duh its a new design that dosent have a head as big as the older preds. maybe you should send it back because you dont really seem impressed at all despite spending 200 on it. I was completely blown away with it and if you collected neca for as long as I have with all their crappy quality and sloppy paint it was like entering a different universe where things were actually built right and didn't fall apart and look like crap compared to the proto shots. Hot toys did a good job with this on for sure and it easy to see when you actually hold it in your hands and take in all the hardcore attention to details. The head could be a bit more like the movie but most photos that the idiots use to argue in this thread only show the face and muscles in one frozen position and that just dosent truly represent the total design of the movie berserker. Why take a moment frozen in time and then use those moment to compare everything to them is just stupid and pointless its all just to get a rise out of people.
Got him today as well. Very pleased. The size isn't as much of an issue for me, I have him displayed right next to Royce, and he towers over him. Putting next to other Preds is when the height is noticeable. Next to the P1, he is a bit bigger, probably a 1/4-1/2". Next to the P2 Elder, they are almost exactly the same. He is definitely better proportioned though. I agree with many of the points that sprig mentioned above, except for the height worries. I will try to post pics in a bit, my camera is currently charging.
First, could have done with paragraphs. Second, you really don't think you come across as aggressive? I can't believe this was a response to a guy who ended his review saying he was happy to have it and that the good outweighs the bad. You'd swear he'd pi$$ed all over the figure to read your response.
First of all, dumb ass, if you would have read my post my disappointment was with the size being scaled down from the proto pics. You can refer yourself back to page 1 for that. It's the ******* like you that make established members look at the fact that you have 13 posts and call other junior members n00bs, and other such stupid things, because you lack the common sense necessary to read an entire post before going into your uneducated rant, trying to sound like you even have any clue what you're talking about. And for your information, my mommy and daddy don't buy my HTs for me, and I still have enough to know that Berserker is not the biggest pred they've made (that's outlined in my post up there, go ahead and read all of it, not just the first line). My guess is that you probably don't even have this figure to begin with, so![]()
Sheesh why dont people Try putting in a new battery before commenting on what you think might be a failure in the LED circuit. My LED works fine and it just give a false impression when people start commenting about faults without trying everything out first.
First, could have done with paragraphs. Second, you really don't think you come across as aggressive? I can't believe this was a response to a guy who ended his review saying he was happy to have it and that the good outweighs the bad. You'd swear he'd pi$$ed all over the figure to read your response.
Got mine today, and here's my quick review (no pics, nothing I'll post will show anything different than the hundreds of others already posted).
First, the bad.
Size- Very disappointed. Seeing the proto pics where he was easily over 1" taller than P1 got everyones' hopes up, but having it in hand and comparing it is sad. He's maybe 1/4" taller than P1, and a hair shorter than P2. When back-to-back with P2 his legs are longer, but the body is considerably shorter. And it seemed to make up for some of the height lost when down-sizing it that they gave him an extremely long neck.
The head- The head is proportioned rather well with the figure, but when comparing him to other HT preds you see how small the head is. And how narrow the mask looks makes the head seem smaller from the front view when it's on.
The battery slot- I got mine from Toys2 and the LED works fine. My problem was that the battery was so tight in the case that when I pushed down on it to screw it back in, it did grip the threads but the armor is made of a pretty soft rubbery-plastic, but the extra tension on them caused the metal screw to strip the threads. Not too big a deal because I stand mine upright to display them, and it has enough tension to hold the case closed, but for a $200 these problems shouldn't exist.
Articulation- Not a big deal to me, but compared to other preds he has considerably less articulation.
The good.
The issue about the smaller size than promised and lack of accessories for more than usual .... well here's my take. This isn't the biggest pred they've made, but when you get him in hand and compare him to the others he is considerably heavier. The joints are really tight and strong. You will have to put more force than you are used to on these to bend them, which is great. This guy is STURDY! So seeing as how he has more "structural soundness", it's easy to see the extras are not visible unless you take him apart. If you like accessories, then yes you'll be disappointed (only comes with the trophy skull/spine and the 3 metal blades).
The blades- They are suprisingly sturdy! I displayed mine with the longest lenghth, and when doing so my hand slipped and I got jabbed pretty good. Easily my favortie part of this guy, and makes me wish all the preds blades would've been metal.
The sculpt/paint- I love it. The texture of the body and the paint job on it are impressive. The pics do it no justice. The face isn't quite movie accurate, but I still love it nontheless.
These are just a few of the points that instantly jump out at me. I just put him up and had to tend to other matters in my life, so this doesn't touch all of the points brought up in this thread. All-in-all, I like it. Definitely disappointed with the size, but glad to have it in my collection. If you're on the fence about getting this guy, then make your damn mind up already!!! There's hundreds of posts giving the goods and bads, and I believe the goods out wiegh the bads. Either get him or spend your money elsewhere. Thank you and good night!
Got him today as well. Very pleased. The size isn't as much of an issue for me, I have him displayed right next to Royce, and he towers over him. Putting next to other Preds is when the height is noticeable. Next to the P1, he is a bit bigger, probably a 1/4-1/2". Next to the P2 Elder, they are almost exactly the same. He is definitely better proportioned though. I agree with many of the points that sprig mentioned above, except for the height worries. I will try to post pics in a bit, my camera is currently charging.
Just got mine today from toys2 .led light works fine. When screwing battery cover back on after insertion , make sure to push screw all the way in applying pressure or else it won't catch the thread and possibly strip. Now a quick review . This thing is a beast !!! I think the height is perfect . If it was any taller , I would have a problem with room . I personally think it looks like a movie prop replica . It's just oozing detail. I am very happy overall . My new favorite hot toy!