More than Berserkers? Actually, that I might understand; Falconer OWNS 'Zerker in my book
@Spanbauer: That's IT. I am so hairdrying my Berserker's helmet now.
@Spanbauer: That's IT. I am so hairdrying my Berserker's helmet now.
FYI, if anyone is still looking for one has him for sale at $159.99 right now.
Those pictures are sweet. I especially like the recreation of Classic's beheading. I'd have already bought the original HT version, but I'm waiting to see if HT does a new version of the classic. Gort will have to fill in for right now.
For anyone with a working light...
My light works great...however it is so bright that when it shines through the lens, and doesn't make the distinct, radioactive-like aiming reticle that Preds are famous for having. I was thinking about painting the lines in the middle (because there is actually molded detail that separates the aiming triangles) an even darker black. However I'm wondering what effects paint might have on the lens, or if the light would be so bright that it would shine through the paint anyways. What do you guys think?
It's not really a big deal. I just wish the aiming reticle was more distinct. Is it like this with the other Preds that have light-up masks? My collection consists of Original Wolf, Guardian, and Berzerker so far, so I've never had a Predator with a light up mask before.
Nicely done man! I love what you did with my photo. Great work!
The only Predator (apart from Falconer/Berserker) with light-up mask is the original Predator.
LED.. you will not get focused laser-like lighting on subjects... you can get the light to appear to come from the 3 holes, when it's actually coming from 1 LED (& use whatever means to block it)
Yeah Hot Toys botched the targeting system on Berserker's helmet. It doesnt make three distinct lights like it should, and does on Classic Predator. Mine looks the same as you're describing. Pretty crap.For anyone with a working light...
My light works great...however it is so bright that when it shines through the lens, and doesn't make the distinct, radioactive-like aiming reticle that Preds are famous for having. I was thinking about painting the lines in the middle (because there is actually molded detail that separates the aiming triangles) an even darker black. However I'm wondering what effects paint might have on the lens, or if the light would be so bright that it would shine through the paint anyways. What do you guys think?
Heat up the mask untill it's fairly bendy. Do NOT put it on his face untill the glue is dry, also try to heat it up without heating the glue as best you can (the glue will still melt but eh). The glue should dry before the mask is hard again. All I had to do was stretch the cheeks out a bit. You then put it on his head and just push it all together, and hold for a little bit.I'm going to do this heating up the mask trick on the Berserker, but I wanted to make sure I'm doing things correctly. Should I just heat up the mask with a hair dryer and then place it on the figures face? Do I need to bend the mask inward or outward and do I need to worry about the hot glue attached to the wires melting on the figures face?
I'm going to do this heating up the mask trick on the Berserker, but I wanted to make sure I'm doing things correctly. Should I just heat up the mask with a hair dryer and then place it on the figures face? Do I need to bend the mask inward or outward and do I need to worry about the hot glue attached to the wires melting on the figures face?
Oh Lord......All I had to do was stretch the cheeks out a bit. You then put it on his head and just push it all together, and hold for a little bit.
If a person like the squash-faced look they could reheat the mask and squash it back into the ridiculous way it looked out of the box.And this is why it is so rare to find old high quality collectibles that are in mint shape.
And this is why it is so rare to find old high quality collectibles that are in mint shape.
Yeah Hot Toys botched the targeting system on Berserker's helmet. It doesnt make three distinct lights like it should, and does on Classic Predator. Mine looks the same as you're describing. Pretty crap.