I would say to anyone who has the MMS136 and the MMS238 that they should swap the boots between them. The new smaller boots look better on this figure with its smaller head while the bigger boots in turn look better on the figure with the bigger head.
Looks great! How sturdy is it? Tamiya bikes are notorious for being fragile. I'd probably build the fairing from scratch, as it's a pain to have to buy a whole kit just for that.
It's definitely worth swapping the pants and boots on the MMS136, as the original pants are too pale and the newer boots look so much better. Get the loose parts now before the supply eventually dries up and prices skyrocket.
Thanks, Pretty sturdy some of the parts that needed more support I drilled and put metal wire into, It's not the MMS136 pants\boots they are from the MMS002 (pizza face), The pants are pretty close in colour if not the same to the new BD T1 it's the camera flash that makes them look washed out.
Sorry, should have been clearer in my previous post. Your setup looks great, the boots/pants comments were regarding earlier posts about making the swap, not referring to your figure.
How easy is it to get him to sit on the bike? I've always found HT figures difficult to pose on bikes because they always make the pants too tight. Happened to the MMS 117 Terminator, the DX-10, the T-1000 and Captain America. This is the look i'd like to replicate:
Yes that's a cool look, The MMS002 is pretty articulated but still pretty hard to pose in a natural sitting position on the bike, I did see a Youtube vid somewhere where the guy shaved some plastic off the back of the figures legs to give more articulation on them, You get to a point where the legs won't raise anymore unless you do the mod. I'm not going to do that though.
When the figure is sitting on a bike you have to be able to get away with using less bulky body if need be? That's what I was thinking anyway. With the same big clothes it should be hard to tell the difference.