Super Freak
this is a cool picture, but is it just me or does the lighting make it look like ironmans jaw is lob-sided? Heh
Can't wait to get mine, I've got the bike just waiting gathering dust
Has anyone got any pics of him on a Harley?
Check your Paypal account, see if a payment request is still pending there.i ordered this from one sixth bruce and did a layway payment method and have yet to recieve another request for a second payment? if anyone ordered from one sixth bruce could you guys help?
Check your Paypal account, see if a payment request is still pending there.
I purchased via onesixthbruce and got my final layaway payment request yesterday and my shipping notice today so should receive it tomorrow. Can't wait looks like an awesome figure, next up the Classic Pred which is the one i'm looking forward to most. Hopefully shouldn't be too long.
ok im a little new to all this and this is my first order with them so sorry for being an idiot, what i did was layway payment and paid something like 53 quid up front and have yet to recieve any other requests for payment yet? im just a little worried