Hot Toys: - MMS156 - Captain America The First Avenger Official Specs and Pics

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Like most people, I've been anxiously waiting for the promo pics off this

And I think like most people, I've been completely blown away

It looks absolutely amazing, so solid.

I think it was said earlier, it actually loils better than the film shots dut the body filling out the costume more

Not that chris Evans isn't a huge sonovagun, the costume just didn't show his physique off, but thus figure?!

Holy crap!
I honestly can't imagine what could be said against it

Today is gonna be a good day!
This figure looks absolutely amazing!! I'll definitely add this one to my collection!! :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

I love the look of it, love the accessories and that shield looks freaking amazing! Also the sculpt is really, really good!
If they had just given us a second unmasked headsculpt it would be the perfect figure IMO!

But, I'm guessing HT is saving that for the USO/Soldier version, seeing that they already named this one the "Hero Costume" :lol

Great work Hot Toys!!! :bow :bow :bow
Wow, the figure looks better than the suit does in the flick. Guess i'll have to pre-order him!
Ghost Rider and Thor were absolute winners! This ups the ante even more. Must buy.
They totally nailed the likeness.


But I still like Iron Man better.



This is a home run for HT, but would have been a grand slam if the helmet was removeable ala Thor and Odin. I know HT can do it.