Ugh! Just noticed mine has the flaking problem. Very annoying, can't think how it happened. Decided I might as well embarace it and scratched the shield up some more to give it a battle damaged / scratched up look - fortunately, the WW2 outfit already has a sort of weathered look so it works to some extent, but still annoying!
No, I'm not in this teaser for the first trailer (fingers still crossed for an appearance by our stunt team when the whole thing is released in 2 days!) but it does show the updated version of his old suit, and yes I can now confirm, he's got the middle red stripe on his waist and he has a more reddish look to his garments! Sorry I couldn't reveal anything before, you know, signed a contract of non-disclosure and all... Cheers!
^^^ Yep, they will be showing some things that people saw in SDCC, like bits of the elevator fight, Winter Soldier catching his shield, etc.
I called that ages back, lol. I've had him in my Cap shelf for about 8 weeks. All except the red utility belt anyway...
I'm really surprised the Cap fans like this blue suit. Cap instantly oozes red, white& blue when I think of him.