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Thanks for this tip! Worked out how to undo the belt after searching on the board a little. Was really pretty easy in the end, just had to prise apart the two metal clasps, and then pull apart the belt from each end, push them through all the loops, glue the ends back in place around the clasp and then because the clasps have the little magnets, I didn't even glue those back in place, I just used the magnets.

Looks much better now I used your trick to put the pouch around the holster, thanks! And now the trouser loops are actually used and my OCD side is satisfied, ha.

I did the same thing last night. Huge improvement. Nice discovery man and thanks for sharing out.
This may be a stupid post to some, but I found out something pretty cool while posing this guy. I played around with the belt and placed the gun holster in the middle of the pouches. I swear it was meant for this, the cut out behind the holster is the perfect size to fit between the pouches. The belt IMO looks perfect now :)

Even the prototype pics of this fig had the belt on the other way.

Sorry if this was posted by someone else in the past. The little things amuse the **** out of me lol


Is it just me or is this one of the best, detailed figures HT has ever released? This was my first HT and still one of my favs.

Look how ugly this looks stock...


He had the pouches slightly in front of the holster in the movie.

The holster holds up better under the pouches too when displaying it with extreme poses.

I'm glad this gave us all a reason to show our Cap some love and needed attention lol
Bloody hell, now you're making me want to switch shields so my First Avenger Cap has the BD one! Very nice! :yess:
We must have our figures under the right environmental conditions. Mine have been perfectly fine for 2 years now and I haven't even gotten it in a display case yet.
I think I know the answer but I'll ask anyway. Are the red straps on his abdomen supposed to be glued in place or did someone get happy with the glue gun on mine during assembly?
I think I know the answer but I'll ask anyway. Are the red straps on his abdomen supposed to be glued in place or did someone get happy with the glue gun on mine during assembly?

Just checked mine and they seem to be held in place, so I think you're okay!