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Send this to HT now! :panic:
I may not be able to do anything about that duffus Chris Evans playing Cap or Johnston bumbling
his way through another payday buy I sure as hell can vote for an accurate shield.

Its the little things that make it all worthwhile....:monkey3

Man, no matter how good that movie turns out you're gonna hate it. :dunno
Trailer does look like a lot of fun... really hoping the movie can live up to this badass of a figure :rock
I will say this, in some of the spec pics the shield does look a little small but in the video that Centrocal posted which gives a more realistic perspective (instead of static pictures) the shield looks fine to me.
Looks good to me as well.


I'm just glad unlike some people in life Cap will be able to deliver in the 4th quarter. :lol

Now, why are you going to let your sour feelings over the bulls getting ousted by my Heat (with rather impressive 4th qtrs from Lebron)... fuel an anti-accurate shield movement?!
Now, why are you going to let your sour feelings over the bulls getting ousted by my Heat (with rather impressive 4th qtrs from Lebron)... fuel an anti-accurate shield movement?!

I'm not sour. I moved on the day after that game was over with. I'm focused on next season.

I was just simply making a joke. :lol

Sounds like youve already pre judged it yourself Josh.
Can't I have the same courtesy?

(I dont dislike everything Ive seen, fyi)

I feel pretty positive about what I've seen.

You can dislike it all you want. Thats your right.
I'm still :rotfl, my whole office was staring over at me when I first read that to see what all the :rotfl was about.

I try. :lol It was a joke. If its not appreciated by all thats just the way it goes but I appreciate those that appreciate the joke.
Okay, so since it seems that you would be happy either way... can you at least placate us protestors as a show of solidarity? I mean we're all collectors here.

No. I don't believe in your crusade so why would I? Just being honest.

If it makes no difference to me why wouldn't I want my peers to be happy?

I care that my friends are happy. I care that my family is happy. It doesn't matter to me if a complete stranger is happy or not.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! ::lol :lol :lol :lol

Looks good to me as well.



Man, no matter how good that movie turns out you're gonna hate it. :dunno

Even if he sees it and likes it, I doubt he'll admit it. :lol
Who knew collecting could be so personal.

Video makes the shield look a bit better. I'd be glad if HT would look into it. But, I'm way more impressed with the figure than disappointed in the shield.

I agree. While looking at this and the picture with the shield attached to his back it looks in scale just fine. There are going to be so many awesome ways to pose this guy too.

A month wait for the movie then another possible 5 month wait for the figure. Lastly, I am so glad this proto is so close to perfect the only debate is over a fraction adjustment in the scale of the shield.