Just the guy I need to speak to then. I need an Odin, Mark V and want the Mark II. Im taking that is the AU versions. I only want to buy one at this moment, so what order would you rank them in?
I would have to put the Mark II above the others, clear and easy. Price, for me, is on par with the Mk V, and it has so much more stuff with it. I'm also not a big fan of battle damage, but the Mk II has those removable panels which allows you to get that exposed detail without the scorching. The extra heads and the work table are nice bonuses.
The Mark V currently costs about the same as the Mark II. I personally like that armor a lot, but it just is lacking in bits and pieces. I also went through a minor frustration regarding the small chest plate (see the Mk V thread for details), which makes me more reluctant to "fiddle" in the future. LOve the read paint, which is a bit darker than in the other IM's I've seen (or appears that way due to the gray/silver contrast). The briefcase is kind of useless unless you have a Stark (which I'm in the midst of putting together).
Odin you can probably get fairly cheap right now (under $150), but he also comes with fewer accessories. Also, its Odin, not Thor, Iron Man. He's a supporting player, so unless you have or plan to get Thor and/or Loki, I don't see the point (unless you are a big fan of Hopkins or Odin himself). Very good HS of Hoplins (albiet with a big hair seam). Love the helment and the cape. Armor/costume is fairly accurate (I can't say I've studied in detail, so I won't go further). Looks good on display, and doesn't impede articulation. With numerous hands, spear, and helm, lots of imposing poses are possible.
In the end, I'd put the Mark II on top, then let Odin or the Mk V be decided first by character preference, then by price (though if I had to guess, it would be that the Mk V would be the one to jump in price in the long term).