All of the Avengers are per-ordered... Now it's just the waiting game for the sickest 1/6 display ever.

All of the Avengers are per-ordered... Now it's just the waiting game for the sickest 1/6 display ever.
Or HT was overproducing and has adjusted accordingly. Figures are starting to sell out again.
All of the Avengers are per-ordered... Now it's just the waiting game for the sickest 1/6 display ever.
My Fury arrived today, he's awesome.
My Fury arrived today, he's awesome.
My Fury arrived today, he's awesome.
So you think Hot Toys tells Sideshow they must stock X number of figures? I just don't see that. I think Sideshow has over ordered from Hot Toys in the past and have now gone back to ordering closer to pre order numbers.
Yeah your right. SS must have realized they were over ordering most of these figures from Hot Toys the last year or so.
Went ahead and purchased Fury! Should be getting him sometime this week! Guess something good did come out of all these delays afterall.
Is it wrong of me to want this figure based on parts alone? I pretty well want all the accessories minus the head sculpt.
Think it would be cheaper to buy the whole figure rather than inflated breakdown prices?
So has this been shipped by Sideshow?
The hold up for AE, Cornerstore and many others is because Sideshow isn't shipping out theirs till their orders are covered. Kind of a screw you to the retailers. I assume to promote Sideshow's sales seeings as the retailers are under cutting their prices.