Well...I know I posted that I would be passing on this Hot Toys City Hunter Predator, but I caved in and went ahead and Pre-Ordered this anyway.

It was I that did indeed say that one can never have too many Predators and that is a statement I will stand by until my wallet burns up.

True this particle Predator is not exactly the most unique Pred that Hot Toys has put out but at least this one does have the new body type and just overall much better quality materials when compared to the old school Predators.
I was not aware that this one came with a rebreather and an extra arm that is mutilated...so that is good news to me.
I have never been one of those collector's where a particular figure or sculpt has to have the same exact dimensions as in the movies they were created from...as long as they are kick arse looking I will buy them eventually.
Looking at the pictures to me this City Hunter looks like a revamped "Guardian Predator" just (unfortunately) does not come with the same cool looking mask the Guardian Predator came with...instead just kind of a bland looking generic mask instead. Still it does have a unique look to it and I guess in Predator 2 this mask is designed off of that one? I can't remember but I never cared for the second movie so I am not going to watch the movie again to check.
Either way I will be selling my Guardian Predator soon so if anyone is interested I will have that posted in the "Marketplace" by tomorrow sometime.
This City Hunter should look perfect displayed next to the "Shadow" Predator.