That is true, but their disregard for their long-term customers is frustrating, i don't hate remakes or reissues but i do hate that they are obviously taking the place of new figures, most recently the MKVI reissue, this figure & the T800 were produced and developed at the expense of finally doing some MGS or other new franchises, if they have time for those but not for MGS then it's a simple fact that they are prioritizing remaking/milking older franchises over starting up new ones.
If the could co-exist that'd be ideal but HT are getting very very bad at making new franchises. Nearly all of the new characters coming have all been delayed from last year, the MK2 remake and Black-Suit Spidey released on schedule however.
So that's my issue, i want variety of new franchises and characters, and sadly that is rare from HT they are nearly all versions or remakes of existing characters or new characters from existing franchises, instead of doing a 5th Joker they should be servicing their neglected customers with the 1st of a new character.
We are getting way off topic though
I'm looking forward to this as i too missed it the first time around, having a look at my shdow i really can see the differences more so from when it first went up, it's not 100% accurate but i'm not a huge fan so i don't mind