Okay, ignoring all of the character-specific details. Just the overall shape of the heads. Snake and P2 look pretty much the same.
I'm saying that I think they took a Snake head, altered the head crest, added the inner head crest, added/removed mandible details for accuracy..etc.
I don't think they actually sculpted a new P2 head from scratch..looks like they just took Classic/Snake's and added outer details accurate (not very accurate) to the predator this figure is supposed to portray.
Well... underneath the crests and ridges, they're both Predators, so... one would hope they look the same. That's just the way Tsang sculpts them, unfortunately. Notice how the teeth on the A2 Warrior, A3 Dog, and A1 Big Chap Aliens all seem to angle outward and toward the middle of the mouth. I'm sure it's a new sculpt, but old habits die hard and the basic facial shape can't help but be sculpted the same. Heck, underneath the foam rubber, the animatronics and facial plates of various Preds look quite close too.
sounds like "if you think that the earth is a sphere in space, i can't help you here".
The Earth is flat, what are you talking about?
obvious things do not need your help and it is excellent.
I never said it was an excellent sculpt. It looks cool as a figure and that's why I'm buying it. I don't have a problem with criticisms either, I guess I just don't see how someone could accuse Tsang of sculpting P2-specific details over an existing base Predator head when
all Predators look nearly identical once you remove the features that make them unique. Both P1 and P2 were sculpted by Stan Winston Studios. Both of the armatures underneath, as I explained above, share similarities. But P2 has a ridgier, more insectoid exterior so you wouldn't know it.
In other words, just because Tsang sucks at sculpting Predators (and he does, I won't deny it), doesn't mean he uses the same foundations each time he tackles a new character. It simply means he refuses to learn from his mistakes.