Is that shield from Avengers Cap or Cap movie one?
Those two were from the Captain America movie version.
I still need to clearcoat both of the Avengers versions of the shield.
Is that shield from Avengers Cap or Cap movie one?
Finally broke down and ordered this guy from Sideshow. I'm so excited! This will be my first non-Batman figure from Hot Toys. Its actually my first time ordering from Sideshow. How long does it usually take to ship?
Finally broke down and ordered this guy from Sideshow. I'm so excited! This will be my first non-Batman figure from Hot Toys. Its actually my first time ordering from Sideshow. How long does it usually take to ship?
So got myself a new shield so I could use it to test out a clear gloss coat rather than a semi gloss coat. Did not go so well, it ran the paint and then I touched it and the paint rubbed off so out came the stripper and I removed the rest of the paint.
Time for operation repaint
How do you removed the paint? And how do you get this silver look on the shield?
For those who was wanting updates on my shield repaint, I started a thread which I shall be updating,
So got myself a new shield so I could use it to test out a clear gloss coat rather than a semi gloss coat. Did not go so well, it ran the paint and then I touched it and the paint rubbed off so out came the stripper and I removed the rest of the paint.
Time for operation repaint
Some really nice pics here. Mine isn't as fancy, but here's my Avengers shelf, with Cap large and in charge: