Hot Toys - MMS190 - Alien vs. Predator: 1/6th scale Scar Predator Collectible Figure

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If anyone has this and the sideshow one, let me know how they compare, thanks.
I had them both at the same time. The DX Bio is a pretty flawless bio on its own. But the cons of it are, if you have other 1:1 official replica bio's. Like the HCG and Sideshow ones. Because all though on its own it feels big its actually under sized. When i had the Sideshow and DX In hand the Sideshow one was noticeably bigger. So to display from the front and Side the sideshow does take it. Also at times like when i had the Wolf next to the HCG p2 bio it looked like a kids mask in width. I wouldnt think any less of the DX mask but if you have a collection of them then it does show its size
Thanks for the input kiva, i posted a couple pics from my old game room for comparison, most of my collection is boxed up except scar and wolf bios and sideshow wolf dio statue on my desk, as i am currently looking for a new house. I think it displays well with the sideshow bios as long as you display it from the side. I think what hurts the dx design is that from the front the mouth section seems to narrow as you said, but cant tell from the side. I would still like the sideshow one if i could find it, but this fills the void till then.
I wonder if hot toys has any plans to do any exclusives with this predator line, maybe something new like a sdcc ex bone grill pred from avpr, definitely the worst designed avp bio, but in a limited run exclusive like that I bet it would be really sought after. And if you picked him up, all your better preds could have someone to clean their trophies and cook meals and stuff :rotfl
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Bob wakes up from hyper sleep. See's humans. Gets pissed off we made david. Roars. Kills everybody in sight without appearing to think or have any regard at ALL. I mean come on, you wake up and the creatures you created millions of years ago from lightyears away come to find you and you dont even hear them out? As far as he knew his entire race was to be wiped out by a failed experiment. And he kills the people who show far superior intelligence and mean him no harm? He then runs after fake ripley for rest of the movie and ends up being face hugged by a creature everybody else has been able to avoid. Despite not even knowing it was there.
First of all, he didn't roar.

He definitely did appear to think. The fact that you would deny that tells me you're either a complete moron, or you simply didn't watch the movie. It's obvious that he's listening to Weyland and David, considering the situation and bringing himself up to speed.

Why would he "hear them out"? This isn't Sesame Street where everyone get's along and hugs at the end. What the hell did you expect? His race created humans. They're most likely ants in his eyes. He sees their suits, their technology, their robot and he knows that they're still incredibly primitive compared to his race. Why would he reason with them? His mission was to wipe them out. He's long overdue. He needs to hurry up and get his ass in that ship, wipe'm all out. Which he does (attempts to). Makes complete sense. The reasoning for their decision to wipe out humans in the first place is supposed to be unknown though.

Why is she "fake Ripley"? Because she's female? Her character was very different from Sigourney's.

I think everyone else has been able to avoid the trilobite because they're uh, dead maybe? :slap :lol

But even when they were alive at the same time,

1. It was a tiny squid.
2. It was unconscious from the sterilization/decontamination gas stuff.
3. It obviously couldn't escape the room.


Wipe out the entire Predator race? Its been said for about 7 movies now that the Xeno is the pinnacle of their engineering. And the Predators hunt them for sport. I know you are coming off of a Prometheus high for whatever reason but come on.
There's no "Prometheus high". It's called rational thought. You should try it some time.

The Predators hunt them for sport in the AvP series. Prometheus, Alien franchise, engineers, etc don't exist in that series. The Aliens have always been dumbed down in the AvP franchise. So if we're comparing predators (Predator, Predator 2, Predators) and engineers (Prometheus), it's a different story.

From what we've seen the engineers are far more advanced than the predators.
Fifield took more shots than any predator ever has and survived. He was also uh, scorched with a flame thrower and ran over...was it twice(?) with the rover that weighed at least five tons.
Not to mention he wasn't even fully transformed yet.

He alone would have no trouble taking out a few predators and he's just a human-morphed monster. Imagine if a predator was infected with the black ooze. They'd be royally screwed. And we don't even know what other weapons these guys have created.

Probs best to keep Prometheus talk out of the Predator threads.;)
Indeed. The soulless Prometheus bashers should make their own hate thread where they can complain about every detail of the film and we won't have to read it.
What I'd like to know is how he got his chest busted behind back into his suit and behind the controls of his ship where they found him in Alien.
I wonder why is it that the Engineers were so much more advanced and it was a sequal, in the later movies predators weren't even close to what they have accomplised(hypothetically). In promethus they said that it was the last engineer. Well when they first pulled up and Fifeld pointed out that god doesn't make strait lines. To me it looked like there were more circles. or "underground" ships. So they couldnt be all exctint, that is just poor planing on the directors parts.

annnnd im done with Promethus now.
Ya dark horse did a nice job on it, its 14" tall and heavy, probly polystone, not sure if its 6th scale but gotta be close. I love that series tho so its a must for me either way.

hope my friends in jakarta can costomize that throne :lol
Indeed. The soulless Prometheus bashers should make their own hate thread where they can complain about every detail of the film and we won't have to read it.
Did you write the movie or play a role in it? Its not your baby you dont need to go on a crusade to defend it. And i try as much as i can to stay out of the official discussion thread of both the movie and the figures if i want to have a dig at it because the threads are only seemingly for the people who enjoy the movie. And god knows im sick of entering threads for franchises i enjoy and seeing it slated relentlessly. And its a hell of alot more than Prometheus gets. but i let it be because im not stuck up my own ass about my opinion being right and others being wrong. And when i was using the threads and i did say the reasons why i didnt enjoy it and think it sucked i get posts in reply telling me why im wrong. Asif i havent watched the movie for myself a few times and formed my own opinion on it. An opinion lots of people share. If you want to stop people from talking about it all over the board then you shouldnt chase people out of the official threads because they dont ass lick the movie as much as you do. They need to vent somewhere.
Thanks for the input kiva, i posted a couple pics from my old game room for comparison, most of my collection is boxed up except scar and wolf bios and sideshow wolf dio statue on my desk, as i am currently looking for a new house. I think it displays well with the sideshow bios as long as you display it from the side. I think what hurts the dx design is that from the front the mouth section seems to narrow as you said, but cant tell from the side. I would still like the sideshow one if i could find it, but this fills the void till then.
Damn, the chopper looks 50x better than the factory job they did on it
Im going to nail you with that when you make one of your many off topic posts with gif dude in blue shirt i dont know.

What I'd like to know is how he got his chest busted behind back into his suit and behind the controls of his ship where they found him in Alien.

that's because he's not the engineer from the movie ALIEN. different moon, different setting. that movie was never a sequel to ALIEN, more like spinoff.

and now back to your regular programing.

that's because he's not the engineer from the movie ALIEN. different moon, different setting. that movie was never a sequel to ALIEN, more like spinoff.

and now back to your regular programing.


did u call me dude ? :panic:
yeah ..
just keep waiting cause HT will only produce 1 figures/year :rotfl


Ppffft brah! You think your collection is hot? Your collection ain't s*** brah!! It ain't s***!! So you got like all the preds and s***, you think you hot brah?! Brah, do you even lift?!

.....*cries in the corner*

Seriously, I now know why collecting preds, no matter how bad the movie is, can be addicting.
Ppffft brah! You think your collection is hot? Your collection ain't s*** brah!! It ain't s***!! So you got like all the preds and s***, you think you hot brah?! Brah, do you even lift?!

.....*cries in the corner*

Seriously, I now know why collecting preds, no matter how bad the movie is, can be addicting.

HT just give the second chance to the new collector to start their predator collection with better HS, body propotion and also best deal in price

get it some before it's too late brah :duff
Damn, the chopper looks 50x better than the factory job they did on it

Thanks, i tried as best i could to weather it up some. When i first got it i almost sent it back cuz the paint was so bad, the bio and visor were basically the same indistinguishable silver color :slap I have no artistic skill, so if i am able to make a movie prop look better then the factory, something is seriously wrong with what passes for quality over at sideshow :gah: I'm really hoping their new avp bios will be better but its not looking that way(painted lenses, and the black smudge like on celtic) oh well just have to hope for the best since i like the bio designs so much. :dunno
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