anybody getting this guy from CSC? they have been taking forever to get their figures lately.
I'm still waiting for USH to get theirs. I think that SS is giving the small time distributors the last of the pickings.
A site like BBTS, AE and CSC get their stock a month or two after Sideshow, right? I ordered the IM Gemini from CSC, guess it's gonna be a while!
Yeah but csc is getting their stuff 2-3 months after bbts & alter ego. Lately their service has been crap.
Sorry to hear it, man. I spoke to their Customer Service people a few days ago, they seem really friendly/helpful, but I guess that's the tradeoff.
Oh yeah they do have very friendly customer service but some of them dont have a clue as to when they are getting their figs in stock. I had to cancel my zod with them a month or so ago cuz they never got their shipment from sideshow.
I hope that's not a regular occurrence!
Its looking that way, they havent even updated their site in months, luckly i only have elder and black widow (which i havent gotten either) on order with them.
Sounds like CSC will be out of the HT loop. Thanks for all the input, I hope you get all your figs.
I hope so too if not im happy with a refund, i have both figs paid for so that kinda sucks.
Yeah, me too, I sent them payment in full a couple of weeks ago.
For which figure?