Hot Toys MMS243 - 1/6th scale Captain America & Steve Rogers

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Ok so like tmrw is Thursday if they don't release him by then they really suck. It's been 3 week and got nothing but WWII and Bath Vader mixed whatever ed Harris looking fig. Come on Hot Toys give us Cap

I want a Drax announcement tomorrow night
Ok so like tmrw is Thursday if they don't release him by then they really suck. It's been 3 week and got nothing but WWII and Bath Vader mixed whatever ed Harris looking fig. Come on Hot Toys give us Cap

I hope this is soon- I am supposed to get this for Christmas and I don't want to open my present and find a picture of the figure instead with a post note that says "coming in January"
Expecting this every single day will only disappoint you. It'll be released when it's ready. I'd rather wait for an awesome product than have it rushed because everyone wants it.
Today - blogger preview pics, with a full reveal tonight. I'm calling it. Again.

This time you are probably right. HT has been very consistent in releasing a figure every 7-10 days since late spring/summer, and SS has been *fairly* accurate with shipping estimates. Should see this Thurs/Friday in HK. Or they will surprise us with Igor.