Super Freak
oh just look at the second video thumbnail 

In both videos, you can't help but notice a good bit of fraying at the end of the sleeves. That's disappointing.
Just watched the shartimus prime review on this, and I must say this figure seems disappointing.
Its too bad because I really liked the movie. Perhaps some people here can make an argument against these shortcomings:
-Cuff of the sleeve is unfinished. As it rubs against the rubber glove it will eventually cause the fabric to fray.
-Arms have no definition, body has no definition thanks to the fat suit underneath.
-Parachute pants look on the trousers, exacerbated by the skinny look of his torso and arms
-limited articulation
-elbow guards and knee guards are not well attached, the tips of the plastic guard start to peel off as you articulate the figure
Its a shame, I actually wanted to buy the two pack. I guess I'll save my money for the mark 42, or the mark 43 if the rumor mill is correct!!!
That second video really makes me feel like the tailoring is the bigger problem. If the chest had been sewn with even the slightest raised area it wouldn't have been an issue. Dunno.
I can't watch Sean's reviews without rolling my eyes lol
I can't watch Sean's reviews period. He is the most annoying person on you tube. I don't get why so many people in the collector community love him as he makes us collectors look bad by playing with his toys and doing voices of characters from the movies. He is so dam childish.
I'm fairly new to the whole collecting thing, besides how goofy his reviews are he also sounds like an absolute fanboy...but whatever
I really wanted this 2 pack and might still jump on it, but it's been an incredible let down with all the costume issues...I never even noticed how bad the sleeves look...and his pants are just too poofy making him look very disproportionate...I love the shield and the sculpt...but the tailoring is just garbage....I might just hold out for AOU cap.
I totally agree with what you are saying, I am just making a statement that I can't stand his reviews and was not trying start a debate with you.
Yeah it's pretty bad, I think you can make this figure look somewhat decent to a point but it will never look as good as the proto as far as build goes because of the tailoring, specifically for the torso.![]()
What is the base body for Cap? I'm thinking of ordering Kaustik Plastik body as replacement for it.
What if I super glue the sleves on the wrist, and cover it with the gloves?
Could it rip the uniform on the elbows if I pose him?