Yes. Thank you Go Giants!
....That isn't the Head in the two pack is it?????
You know what sucks is I wanted to make a custom freeway chase Rodgers but what I noticed is the jacket he wore was different then this one from the set. It had two collars and buttons
I don't know if I can find a matching 1/6 jacket like that one. It's too bad because I found the right khakis, blue shirt and possible sneakers
Nice find, but watch the blue ray again. The jacket had buttons on the collar
All you need is a dremel(Or equivalent) with a flexible driveshaft.
The flexible shaft means you have a smaller and more maneuverable device to work with.
If you look at these images, you will see from here:
Remove the neck and you are left with this:
Then remove material so it will sit on the neck of the donor body:
View attachment 166585 so much better!
Thank you Dark Avatar !!
The the suit stays put. I only snipped about 1/4 inch.
I think cutting a little from the under arms of the fat suit made a big difference. That area is really thick. I'll try and take it apart later.
I can't take off the vest so I can't show the rubber shirt cuts I went in through the neck portion. I'm afraid to force the vest because of the stitching.
I'm sure if I cut more of the rubber shirt the arms would lay flat 100% but I'm happy with what I did. The suit stays put, the arms for sure have 100% more movement.
I should have taken some pics while I was doing the mods but I was in a rush. Because I taped the mid section I would have to remove the tape and cloth to lift up the rubber shirt to show where I cut the fatsuit. Sorry about that.
You have been awesome showing us all of your mods. I very much appreciate it![]()
Finally got mine Friday. Have to say the upper suit is very restrictive for posing the arms. The seem to spring back every time I bend them. Great set. Lots of options. Just disappeared Byrd with articulation.
Some pics of my Caps. I agree with some of the complaints, but honestly, with the fat suit removed, this is probably the best Cap uniform that least restricts articulation.