Hot Toys MMS243 - 1/6th scale Captain America & Steve Rogers

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I just opened my set. I think they both look great, although I can understand the complaints about Stealth Suit Cap. I prefer Steve Rogers myself.

I had originally thought I might put the unmasked sculpt on the suited body, but I'm gonna keep Steve how he is and sell the Stealth Suit version.
You know what sucks is I wanted to make a custom freeway chase Rodgers but what I noticed is the jacket he wore was different then this one from the set. It had two collars and buttons :gah:

I don't know if I can find a matching 1/6 jacket like that one. It's too bad because I found the right khakis, blue shirt and possible sneakers
All you need is a dremel(Or equivalent) with a flexible driveshaft.
The flexible shaft means you have a smaller and more maneuverable device to work with.


If you look at these images, you will see from here:


Remove the neck and you are left with this:


Then remove material so it will sit on the neck of the donor body:


Yeah I gotcha, I will keep that in mind but right now I don't need to do that mod to put a necked figure anyway. So I am good for the time being, but once again thanks for your helpful advice, I really appreciate it.


View attachment 166585 so much better!
Thank you Dark Avatar !!

Glad I could help, so you don't have any problems with the suit falling out of the vest? Would you be able to lift the vest up so we can see what you modded?
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The the suit stays put. I only snipped about 1/4 inch. I think cutting a little from the under arms of the fat suit made a big difference. That area is really thick. I'll try and take it apart later.
The the suit stays put. I only snipped about 1/4 inch.

That is a small amount, I cut about an inch when I did it. So the arms now move independently? Before the mod, sometimes one arm pulls the other arm up because of the pull back from the rubber material.

I think cutting a little from the under arms of the fat suit made a big difference. That area is really thick. I'll try and take it apart later.

Yeah this it how it far down they hang when just the fat suit is removed without the rubber suit mod.

Which is still not perfect. I look forward to seeing your pics! :wink1:
I can't take off the vest so I can't show the rubber shirt cuts I went in through the neck portion. I'm afraid to force the vest because of the stitching. I'm sure if I cut more of the rubber shirt the arms would lay flat 100% but I'm happy with what I did. The suit stays put, the arms for sure have 100% more movement.
I can't take off the vest so I can't show the rubber shirt cuts I went in through the neck portion. I'm afraid to force the vest because of the stitching.

I didn't say take the vest off, I said can you lift it up by unbuttoning it and unzipping it, that won't screw up the stitching, but taking it off does. Nevertheless, this is only a request, I don't care either way if you don't want to do it, then that is cool. :wink1:

I'm sure if I cut more of the rubber shirt the arms would lay flat 100% but I'm happy with what I did. The suit stays put, the arms for sure have 100% more movement.

Yeah I was not advising you to cut more, I was simply just making a statement by just saying that cutting the fat suit is not the main reason why the arms won't lay flat against the sides. A lot of people think that removing the fat suit improves the articulation dramatically but it only plays a small part at allowing the rotation of the shoulders because there is no longer that material there interfering with the shoulder joint. I guess it helps with the ab crunch to, since once again no longer any material there to prevent the abs from not crunching.
I should have taken some pics while I was doing the mods but I was in a rush :slap. Because I taped the mid section I would have to remove the tape and cloth to lift up the rubber shirt to show where I cut the fatsuit. Sorry about that. You have been awesome showing us all of your mods. I very much appreciate it :)
Finally got mine Friday. Have to say the upper suit is very restrictive for posing the arms. The seem to spring back every time I bend them. Great set. Lots of options. Just disappeared Byrd with articulation.
Some pics of my Caps. I agree with some of the complaints, but honestly, with the fat suit removed, this is probably the best Cap uniform that least restricts articulation. Plus it looks pretty good when posed besides the normal standing pose that most people have it so far. I like that HT also made the shirt in two pieces with the arms and chest parts separate for better articulation, I bet the AoU Caps will be vastly improved from this design. Only thing I don't like is the diecast shield because it is too heavy and makes it hard to hold with the grip hands.






I should have taken some pics while I was doing the mods but I was in a rush :slap. Because I taped the mid section I would have to remove the tape and cloth to lift up the rubber shirt to show where I cut the fatsuit. Sorry about that.

Don't worry about it I was just curious, I am surprized at the torso on your mod though, I can't notice much change in shape going by your pics, but that could be the angle you took them on :dunno. Thus, I was curious as to what you did because the whole idea of the rubber band mod was to give more of a V shape to the torso, since the stealth shirt now hugs the fat suit instead of being loose on there because of the tightness from the rubber bands.

You have been awesome showing us all of your mods. I very much appreciate it :)

No worries bro but even I haven't taken before pics for my mods. :slap

Finally got mine Friday. Have to say the upper suit is very restrictive for posing the arms. The seem to spring back every time I bend them. Great set. Lots of options. Just disappeared Byrd with articulation.

That's because of the rubber shirt, in order to fix that you have to cut it at the collar, so the arms can move independently on their own and not hang down like gorilla arms. The rubber shirt prevents them from hanging down close to the sides by pulling them back upwards.

Some pics of my Caps. I agree with some of the complaints, but honestly, with the fat suit removed, this is probably the best Cap uniform that least restricts articulation.

Also improves the appearance, as the torso no longer has a rectangular shape but takes on a more natural shape. Only problem removing the whole fat suit is that the uniform is a bit too big for the body, thus, the tailoring looks off and the clothing looks baggy and no longer tight fitting.

BTW those are some great amazing poses you put him in. :clap
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