Super Freak
It definitely is. I left you some positive feedback a few days ago.Hey, hey!
Looks like a great setup.
It definitely is. I left you some positive feedback a few days ago.Hey, hey!
Looks like a great setup.
It definitely is. I left you some positive feedback a few days ago.
That won't help with obtaining the V shape though but I think you are right the perfect body would be TTM20 body, which is believed to be the body they used for the proto.
I have heard it said about that proto that they might have used the MOS body.
Well both were mentioned, MOS torso or TTM20 body, of course this was just speculation by a fellow freak on here, so nothing has been confirmed. So are the necks on those bodies as rubbery as the ones on the Christopher Reeve body?
In hindsight, I'd rather HT leave the neck seam on the HS rather than sacrificing the figure's proportions.
Besides, a "cut" HS gives an additional articulation at the neck.
All you need to do is go back to the beginning of this thread. The masked and unmasked heads had articulation. Then everyone moaned about it. And HT changed it, lol.
Yeah. But it would never have been the TTM20. It's gigantic.
I didn't think it was the complaints on the forums that changed it.
HT seemed set on having a seamless HS from the beginning, which is probably why the promo pics of the Rogers sculpt were all photoshopped to be without neck seams.
It's probably not either then, because the lower torso on the MOS body is too long just like the Reeve one is. So is the TTM20 body as big as an Arnold body?
I combined the original t-800 body and the reeves body and I think it looks pretty good. I posted it a few pages back but didn't get any feedback on it.
The upper torso is the t-800, the lower torso and legs are reeve and the arms are the strike suit arms.
All set for Cap... He will be here tomorrow.
Incidentally I now have a pair of Rogers' jeans and boots that I don't need. Turns out they are too big for Wolverine.
It does look good as the pecs seem to be in the right place unlike the Reeve upper torso, but why did you use the lower torso for Reeve? Was the Arnold lower torso too big and not skinny enough for the body to form that V shape?
My Strike Suit fig is coming in today. Is the rubberband mod the best thing on the table as far as modding this fig goes?