It used to be that one poster (usually Wookster if I remember correctly) would start all the Hot Toys threads on the morning the figures were solicited that used to be how most of us found out about them, now that they pics get posted to facebook the threads usually get started by anyone who is awake at the time. If the figures had been teased before there might have been a previous discussion thread but that would usually be locked up and the new thread end up being the official thread, it was all neater that way.
Now people end up tripping over each other to create a new thread as soon as there is an indication that a figure might exist, the Marvel sub-forum is a perfect example, as soon as that picture with all the figure bases showed up earlier this year every character from Age of Ultron got a dedicated figure thread. That forum is a mess and it's already happening again with the Civil War thread. Personally I think the best way to handle it would be to have a general licence discussion thread and we only start individual figure threads when there are official specs and pictures. It would help the forum look allot neater and I would imagine a bit easier to moderate.