So when we say "film accurate", do we mean what the actual colors of the suit are, or how they come across on screen due to various lighting effects and tone?
Of course. It comes down to preference and both figures looks great.
Like mentioned though, I can see why some feel it's the more "accurate" one because due to lighting and effects, there are times in the film where it comes across as black. However, the actual color of the suit is grey, as shown in photos where the suit is on display and also during many points in the film.
Having both of course is ideal. For me personally, I don't see the point in having two Armored Batmans from a roughly 20 minute sequence in the film and the regular one is objectively the more accurate one to me.
It has to be the actual color.
Lighting changes constantly on screen and cannot be used as a basis for accuracy.
Look at the photos posted by I Am Toys above (post #2435) they perfectly illustrate the fact that the regular version is the more accurate and looks exactly like it does in the movie when properly lit.
The BC version is an attempt at faking it as far as I'm concerned.
No ones disagreeing about the colour of the armour I think everyone knows it's grey-there no doubt of that.
It definitely looks darker in the film though in certain scenes it looks black.
The fact it's the suit he wears to fight superman is the reason to get it though it's the whole film-batman v superman
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This is true. As I've mentioned before, I can see why a lot of people feel the BC is the more accurate one because there are some scenes (particularly when they were fighting outdoors in the rain) where the suit appeared black. However, a lot of this is simply due to lighting and isn't the actual finish of the suit. Once they got indoors, you could see that the suit was more grey in color. As posted earlier as well by someone, when on display at conventions, the finish and color of the suit matches exactly what the regular version figure is.
This sort of brings up in my opinion another question though on accuracy. What is considered "accurate" now? How the suit is intended to look but doesn't necessarily reflect that on screen due to the tones and lighting used? Or how it actually comes across looking on screen, regardless of what the intended color is supposed to be?
For instance, the MoS suit. The colors of the suit in the film many times appeared very dark and muted, but the "actual" color of the suit (which I feel the stock MoS Supes figure reflects) was this:
So when we say "film accurate", do we mean what the actual colors of the suit are, or how they come across on screen due to various lighting effects and tone?
Although with the armored Batman suit, there are also several times on film where you can clearly tell the color of it is dark grey, as it actually is. As was mentioned, the gloss finish also makes the scuffs look way more pronounced than what they actually are, at any point in the film. Even when the suit at times appeared black, the cuts and scuffs never looked as pronounced as what they do on the BC figure.
The chrome version of this guy turned out great.
If they do make a more damaged version il pick it up but I'm letting off me regular version in place of the black chrome-it looks far more screen realistic![]()
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Loving this figure. Articulation is definitely limited however I would imagine he was also that limited in the movie in this costume and in the comic. Lol.![]()
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Hi mates ..the suit under armor of this batman is the same than the regular batman or is tipical rubber suit???
He looks great. This is definitely one of my favorite figures at the moment. I keep making little adjustments and tweaks to him here and there.
For anyone who isn't privy of it, the bandolier/shoulder strap is adjustable in the back, so you can lengthen it. I noticed that stock it comes pretty tight around him (at least mine did), but I adjusted it to lengthen it so it sits a bit better on his shoulder and doesn't wrap essentially right underneath his arm pit, so that way it looks a bit more the way it wrapped around him in the film. Looks even better in my opinion when you do.
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I stop watching videos that ask me to share, like and subscribe before anything has even happened.
Dude congrats. This was like my 12th Hot Toy and I was still blown away by this when I held it for the first time.Picked him up Friday night at my LCS. This is my first Hot Toys purchase. I am loving this thing:
Well unfortunately that is the way building a channel for your subscribers work. And I am sorry you don't like it. But social media works that way. Sorry. But thank you for the feedback
You can lengthen it a little bit, but just be careful you don't pull it all the way out of the loop hole.
I think he's saying he doesn't like seeing it at the beginning of a video, not that he doesn't like seeing it at all.
I haven't watched the video but it would be weird for the like/share/comment to be mentioned at the beginning instead of the end, if they got to the end of the video, they likely enjoyed it