That was fast, looks like my Onesixthkit spear is down the street at the post office, hopefully its here tomorrow and wont be delayed by thanks giving
No, I actually bought one on eBay and for regular price.
He's got pictures and the figure still has his plastic wrappings all over the figure.
He opened it up just for inspection and selling the figure.
I couldn't make up my mind when bbts still had a few in stock. And as usual, when I made up my mind, it was sold out.
I wish the bandolier was removable.
Just like with optibotimus review of the BC without the bandolier, I agree with him that it looks better without it.
same thing happened to me. Luckily, Cotswold had one left and they were doing a promotion for free shipping so I pounced
Is it glued on? Mine's coming in sometime this week. I'm actually liking the look, LOL!
I wish the bandolier was removable.
Just like with optibotimus review of the BC without the bandolier, I agree with him that it looks better without it.
Nice! Grats! Glad you're able to snag one also.![]()
I wish the bandolier was removable.
Just like with optibotimus review of the BC without the bandolier, I agree with him that it looks better without it.
Are you talking about the bandolier on the BC one? The bandolier on the regular one is adjustable and can be removed.
Shouldnt the bandolier be the same for both BC and regular?
On the Optobotimus BC version review, he talked about accidentally breaking the bandolier which was being held in place by a thin wire.
He even showed how it was connected, which doesnt look like it can be removed without breaking that thin wire.
Are you sure it can be removed and put back on without breaking?
That's what I would think.
I believe it can be removed, at least on the regular one. When you adjust it to make it longer, it appears that it can be pulled entirely out of the loop. I didn't try though, so I'm not certain. I've heard of people breaking theirs, but when adjusting mine to make it longer, I never once got the impression that it felt flimsy.