I think I sent you a message, but I’m interested in AOU or CW Cap. Still figuring out navigating this site via my phone lol.
Are there any hard opinions on these 2 versions and which is more preferred?
CW has better proportions
I think I sent you a message, but I’m interested in AOU or CW Cap. Still figuring out navigating this site via my phone lol.
Are there any hard opinions on these 2 versions and which is more preferred?
I was unboxing my Civil War MMSs that I never got around to opening, and realized I got movie promo Battling Cap and not regular Cap from CW. Other than the non-scratched shield, is there any incentive to go back and grab a regular CW Cap?
I was unboxing my Civil War MMSs that I never got around to opening, and realized I got movie promo Battling Cap and not regular Cap from CW. Other than the non-scratched shield, is there any incentive to go back and grab a regular CW Cap?
I’ve been shopping around for the Caps, and just came across a “Movie Promo” version. I can’t seem to find much about differences between that and standard Battling Version.
Any insights?
If I recall correctly, one was a Disneyland HK exclusive and the only difference is the box.
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Got ya. The prices on these are steep. One of these days...
I think because CW may be the last time we get a regular Rogers Cap and this figure was the best of them released (although i still like AoU more). Seems with Cap going Nomad Bucky may be the next Cap but that speculation on my part
Great figure.
still looking to find a cheap stealth version, how are the proportions on those compared to this one?
Still think battling version is the best in terms of body, but CW cap is nice too.
Yeah I had both but BD Cap looked better proportion wise, I cant say why though
Yeah I had both but BD Cap looked better proportion wise, I cant say why though