Those clean window shots
very nice Brainiac

Cool pics. And there’s still another Avengers film with the original crew to go, so your wish is still possible.
Yeah, but he wears the original Avengers movie's outfit in Avengers 4.
That figure is breaking the laws of comic book physics... only Thor can hold Mjolnir! ...oh... and Vision... and Hela... and...
Cool pics. And there’s still another Avengers film with the original crew to go, so your wish is still possible.
Not really since the hammer was destroyed.
That figure is breaking the laws of comic book physics... only Thor can hold Mjolnir! ...oh... and Vision... and Hela... and...
The fact he was able to slightly budge it in AOU is enough for me.
Ultimately it would be for me as well, but I can't help but think that was meant to be a harbinger of him picking it up later on.
If you want to buy into the logic that Superman could use it in the Avengers Vs JLA Comic, but only because he was worthy in the heat of battle, then it's very possible that CAP could pick it up in the future... or past.
That's actually how I envision Cap picking it up, if he does. In AoU, he was trying to lift it already with the predisposed mindset that he likely couldn't do it, but I can see him actually picking it up in the heat of battle where he doesn't have time to think about it much beforehand, and does it like second nature.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen that attempted but that wouldn’t be the easiest thing since that would require surgery and sewing.
And I think the general consensus for fans of the CW suit is that they’re happy it doesn’t have the white on the sleeves like the AoU.
I like both looks (separately) and have both figures.
I would like to see what CW cap looks like with the AoU sleeves, it's a minor change but I bet it would make a big difference... Question is, does the blue color of the suits match? I was under the impression CW cap was a bit darker than AoU cap. I don't have either of them out of their boxes at the moment, and I'm at work so I can't check right now.