1/6 Hot Toys - MMS350 - Captain America: Civil War - Captain America Collectible Figure

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I've had this figure on PO for a while and REALLY looking forward to it!

My only other Cap is from the first avengers movie and it's look is very old school. I think it was the last version to come with a plastic shield. Is this the least popular version of Cap??
Very much looking forward to this figure. I've been caught up in all the hype regarding the BvS figure releases and sort of forgot about this one, but I watched CW again last week and it reminded me how much I'm still looking forward to this one.

Fingers crossed we see it tonight.
I would imagine there's nothing different between the body on this figure and the BV Cap figure. And people say the physique on BV Cap is improved even more from AoU Cap.
I'd been on the fence with picking up a second Cap figure (already having the AoU one) but I think pictures like those and the imminent reviews over the next couple of days will seal the deal when it comes to a pre-order (here is the end of only having a single figure for each character, well other than Iron Man and Batman)!
Ordered one from timcent. Price was only £25 more than I was already gonna pay with forbidden planet :)
Can't wait to have a proper cap back in my collection

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Well. I'm thrilled. Looks awesome to me. Definitely going to be one of my favorites when it arrives, I think. Can't wait to see the rest of the CW figures that will be pouring out over the next few months now.
I'm definitely using the unmasked sculpt. The neutral masked one does look a little strange.
something about the neutral helmeted hs looks off?

kinda disappointed with how the hs looks in the front view of the figure (could see many of the photos attempting to circumvent the issue by lowering the neck collar)...seems like the AoU Cap still can't be beat in the overall looks imo.

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