I think he looks pretty cool. I like him better than the Avengers one, but not better than AOU. But it all come down to personal preference for outfit and not how well HT makes this. For those who don't have a strong preference for costume, OR maybe even like the "Ultimate" look best, this will make a great Hawkeye figure!
I like the AOU version because the long coat reminds me of the classic Hawkeye look, but I am sure many modern comic book readers and fans of the ultimate comics will like the CW one better. Something about the CW one does have more of a tactical look I am sure many people will find appealing. This look is consistent with the way the Russo brothers have interpreted other characters and I am looking foreword to seeing what Hawkeye is like under their direction.
I also wonder if there will be any unique accessories with this that might be cool to get when this is parted out.