Super Freak
Does anyone know of any ankle spacing issues this figure may have or anything of the sort?
I just recieved my knightmare accessories set from WJL Toys. Is the coat suppose to have a broken or missing button on the back bottomstrap ?
I just recieved my knightmare accessories set from WJL Toys. Is the coat suppose to have a broken or missing button on the back bottomstrap ?
Anyone know where I can purchase the custom coat?
Question , this head and batman bvs are the same head or not ? Thank s
Just a heads up to new collectors of this piece, put a small plush buffer under the center of the goggles and the cowl, the mold injection spot can scratch it otherwise!
Thoughts on what to use?
I use a small square cut out of one of these, they're good for padding bodies on customs too. If you wedge it where the mold tree point is on the bridge of the goggles, you'll never see it from the front when it's on the figure. Doesn't matter the brand, they're available in every cosmetic aisle.
Did OSK sell additional accessories for this figure other than the custom coat?