Of course not. HT only does their best work with iconic characters, like blue guy from GOTG, fake Mandarin guy, and Letoker, you know, characters that truly deserve it, unlike Indiana Jones, Han Solo, Ledger Joker and Michael Keaton Bruce Wayne.

Of course not. HT only does their best work with iconic characters, like blue guy from GOTG, fake Mandarin guy, and Letoker, you know, characters that truly deserve it, unlike Indiana Jones, Han Solo, Ledger Joker and Michael Keaton Bruce Wayne.
I think I mentioned this before, but I think the likeness (like many) suffers most from a full-frontal view. Semi-profile is quite good. The figure 'vibes' Neo really well and I'm happy enough with it, but agree it's not HT's best.
Of course not. HT only does their best work with iconic characters, like blue guy from GOTG, fake Mandarin guy, and Letoker, you know, characters that truly deserve it, unlike Indiana Jones, Han Solo, Ledger Joker and Michael Keaton Bruce Wayne.
Of course not. HT only does their best work with iconic characters, like blue guy from GOTG, fake Mandarin guy, and Letoker, you know, characters that truly deserve it, unlike Indiana Jones, Han Solo, Ledger Joker and Michael Keaton Bruce Wayne.
Wow you guys are picky! I actually thought some of those shots were movie stills......
Buy as always with sculpts its the eye of the beholder. Cannot wait to get this guy!
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Of course not. HT only does their best work with iconic characters, like blue guy from GOTG, fake Mandarin guy, and Letoker, you know, characters that truly deserve it, unlike Indiana Jones, Han Solo, Ledger Joker and Michael Keaton Bruce Wayne.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Not sure if you were trying to prove your point or refute it. Clearly the sculpt either needs to be narrower or longer based on the movie stills. And I'm not being prejudicial, but as often is the case, the sculpt has an Asian feel to it. Maybe it's the way the eyes are done and maybe that's why it helps to have the glasses on.