Hot Toys - MMS612 - Return of the Jedi: Scout Trooper and Speeder Bike 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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Not sure if anyone has broached this before, but I think the problem with the HT bike and the "infamous" gap, is they may have potentially gone off the original blueprints that were made for ROTJ, back in the day?

I've also got both, and there are definitely aspects of the SSC that are good, but as an overall package, the HT wins hands-down for me. If I wasn't able to replace the insanely stupid handlebars on the SSC, I would never have kept it anyway.

If it were a choice between the gap (and all HT's potential issues), vs having a stock SSC with those handlebars - there wouldn't even be a choice... bye, bye SSC.

Received my scout and bike. Very nice set.


That’s the grail pose right there for me! Spill the beans. What’s the secret for getting him in such a good jockey position?
I did a body swap with the SSC Mythos Fett which had the best ab range I’ve seen so far.
Had to cut off the lower legs and replace them with HT compatible ones so the boots would work. Working on a Mando for his swoopbike as well.
I did a body swap with the SSC Mythos Fett which had the best ab range I’ve seen so far.
Had to cut off the lower legs and replace them with HT compatible ones so the boots would work. Working on a Mando for his swoopbike as well.

Wow, an actual good use for a Sideshow body.

Maybe I'll grab one of the Sideshow The Clone Wars Anakin bodies that breaks apart to use as this Scout Trooper. :lol

Hehe… Surprisingly only one of the Fett bodies was the wonky “sideshow quality” …actually came in 2 pieces - not broken - abdominal peg would not stay seated and kept popping out. Others were just as solid as HT.
There's nothing to "fix". The helmet gap is not really an issue as it is clearly present in "Return of the Jedi". It's accurate to the film, so no real need to change it.

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There's nothing to "fix". The helmet gap is not really an issue as it is clearly present in "Return of the Jedi". It's accurate to the film, so no real need to change it.

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I get it. I’ve seen the photo. It’s in the film, no argument there. However, most scenes showed no gap, that’s why I’m asking. If you’re happy with yours, great.
Yeah I don't really understand that argument. Yes the gap is present in a couple shots but it's not how it's meant to look. I mean there's stormtroopers with gaffer tape on their armor and all sorts of wonky stuff. I wouldn't think people would want that on their figure as a representation of an Imperial stormtrooper.

The helmet gap works for the mando version though imo as it's meant to be kinda messed up and worn by some disheveled remnant.
Yes, I don't take it as screen accurate. It's simply laziness on HT's behalf. They cared for Mandalorian's screen accuracy but not for OT.
That really depends on your definition of screen accurate. For me, if it's shown on the screen and that's what the figure looks like, then surely it's 'screen accurate'?

If this was my favourite scene in Return of the Jedi featuring a biker scout and Hot toys made a figure without the gap, then wouldn't I be equally justified in stating that they messed it up and it isn't screen accurate?

You can't make something screen accurate if it's appearance changes during the film, you can only make it "scene specific". So, yes, I'm happy that it accurately represents a biker scout from Return of the Jedi.
I'll take it that you don't follow, or accept, the argument then. Fair enough, either way it would still be unreasonable, based on the visual evidence available, for anyone to state that the figure isn't accurate to the film. You just have to watch the film.

But regardless, I'll leave those who refuse to believe their own eyes to their own opinions 👍