Hot Toys - MMS612 - Return of the Jedi: Scout Trooper and Speeder Bike 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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It's not a debate as there is an absolute conclusion. The figure IS accurate to the film, it isn't subjective. Extension of a debate that occurred much earlier in this thread was moving along nicely before I commented.

The only way to have made it accurate to multiple scenes and keep everyone happy would have been to include a second headsculpt.
It's not a debate as there is an absolute conclusion. The figure IS accurate to the film, it isn't subjective. Extension of a debate that occurred much earlier in this thread was moving along nicely before I commented.

The only way to have made it accurate to multiple scenes and keep everyone happy would have been to include a second headsculpt.
No one is arguing that it is not accurate to that scene. However, "most" scenes were not that way. This helmet is a simple carryover from the Mando figure, which we all know is nowhere near accurate to the ROTJ Scout.

If you are happy with your figure matching that scene - fantastic. Some of us aren't and we want something "more" screen-accurate. It's that simple. We don't need to keep beating this dead horse.
For me, it isn't scene accurate either. The gap is much smaller in the scene compared to the figure. It's a small gap in the scene, so at 6th scale, it must appear smaller.
Well, if we are being THAT critical then there are plenty of other small things technically wrong about it too, including elements of the bike.....but I don't know of many (any?) 1/6 scale figures that are perfect.

Anyway, I'm moving on, good luck with the modifications.
That really depends on your definition of screen accurate. For me, if it's shown on the screen and that's what the figure looks like, then surely it's 'screen accurate'?

If this was my favourite scene in Return of the Jedi featuring a biker scout and Hot toys made a figure without the gap, then wouldn't I be equally justified in stating that they messed it up and it isn't screen accurate?

You can't make something screen accurate if it's appearance changes during the film, you can only make it "scene specific". So, yes, I'm happy that it accurately represents a biker scout from Return of the Jedi.

What about jeans guy? He's screen accurate?

Yes, I understand in specific scenes that seems to be the case, but I think we can draw a pretty clear line between intended screen representation and what can be chalked up more to production errors or limitations at the time.

Add to that, I think its pretty clear Hot Toys didn't include the seam as a clear wink to a handful of scene specific moments of scout trooper, but as a cost saving measure in having to make a new helmet.
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Here's something that kind of makes me laugh. A fellow collector I know did not want the Mando Scout because it was not true to the R.O.T.J. scout, but he ended up getting the R.O.T.J. Scout even though it does not totally embrace the features of most scenes the R.O.T.J. scout is in.

All in all, it's what you are comfortable with. Some collectors are really concerned in terms of the overall representation and accuracy of the product they purchase.....especially when paying at an extremely high price point. Others are comfortable with allowing some leniency in regards to certain items or features.
I'm certainly in the camp of allowing leniency if the overall presentation of the figure captures the general spirit of what it is portraying. If it is 98-99% there, I don't really mind. Currently he is absolutely screaming "Return of the Jedi" at me from his bike in my display.

Not a lot of leniency is required as it is a very close match to the scout as he appears in (at least one scene from) the film. If we are reducing criticism to the size of a helmet gap then yes, I really don't care. I also did not allow the general t-visor discrepancy in the 1/4 Boba Fett stop me from purchasing that fantastic figure.

I can understand not getting the mando scout for those reasons though as I did exactly the same. Unlike the ROTJ scout, no close approximation of that figure features in the film, from chest plates, to knees, to colouring, it's significantly different.
Was hoping that SS would have this on sale today, but their sales have been kinda lackluster besides a few figures.
That really depends on your definition of screen accurate. For me, if it's shown on the screen and that's what the figure looks like, then surely it's 'screen accurate'?

If this was my favourite scene in Return of the Jedi featuring a biker scout and Hot toys made a figure without the gap, then wouldn't I be equally justified in stating that they messed it up and it isn't screen accurate?

You can't make something screen accurate if it's appearance changes during the film, you can only make it "scene specific". So, yes, I'm happy that it accurately represents a biker scout from Return of the Jedi.
You are right but lets say admiral piett gets a figure, but the reference material from ESB is the flipped shot near the end of the film, that would be cool?
Was hoping that SS would have this on sale today, but their sales have been kinda lackluster besides a few figures.
Its great if you want rescue, holo iron man, and og captain marvel. I was also hoping for a deal though. The mando version was 25% off a couple weeks ago.
Its great if you want rescue, holo iron man, and og captain marvel. I was also hoping for a deal though. The mando version was 25% off a couple weeks ago.

Yeah, the stuff that they've been putting on sale so often lol.

The Mando version is on sale again today too.
I messaged them again, and got reply.
"We have no solid date on its arrival yet, but we are expecting them by November or earlier."

This really sucks. One reason I order Hot toys from HK is because they get it sooner than US.
It seems like KG is doing some weird inventory management.
Still waiting this from KG. Finally he got back to me with message. They are saying hopefully January. Are you kidding me?
I asked for refund, and they are gonna give back only 85%.
No more KG for me. Boycott!