Hot Toys MMS701 C-3PO (ROTJ)

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Looking forward to this guy arriving, but a bit confused with the weathering. Will probably tone it back a little with some kind of remover.

I still have my custom Sideshow C-3PO repaint to fill in my ANH needs for now:

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I thought your C-3PO custom was one of the best customs I've ever seen, and then I saw your Boushh. Wow, blown away. The way I see it you have only two options, go and work for Hot Toys and show them how it's done or give me your figures. :p

I'd love to see you do a Peli Motto, sorry typo, I meant Admiral Ackbar :ROFLMAO:. Might prompt HT to give it a go along with Boushh. Gorgeous work, I'm sure we'd all love to see more. (y)
I thought your C-3PO custom was one of the best customs I've ever seen, and then I saw your Boushh. Wow, blown away. The way I see it you have only two options, go and work for Hot Toys and show them how it's done or give me your figures. :p

I'd love to see you do a Peli Motto, sorry typo, I meant Admiral Ackbar :ROFLMAO:. Might prompt HT to give it a go along with Boushh. Gorgeous work, I'm sure we'd all love to see more. (y)
One day I'll find the courage to start customs runs, but still feels like early days. More to come though - currently working on a full repaint of the 1/6 JazzInc Snowspeeder coming soon :)
Ordered this as it's a no brainer for a Star Wars collection. Have to say I expected it to be a knockout release in terms of popularity, but maybe the love for Star Wars has shifted in favor of the pig swill we get from Disney.
When Hot Toys announced their first R2 (maybe 8 years ago?) I remember thinking this would be a logical followup, so this has been a long time coming. We might not see another OT 3PO for many years to come. If you're on the fence, don't be.
Ordered this as it's a no brainer for a Star Wars collection. Have to say I expected it to be a knockout release in terms of popularity, but maybe the love for Star Wars has shifted in favor of the pig swill we get from Disney.
When Hot Toys announced their first R2 (maybe 8 years ago?) I remember thinking this would be a logical followup, so this has been a long time coming. We might not see another OT 3PO for many years to come. If you're on the fence, don't be.
I bet there's been some OT collectors who just bowed out, some due to frustration with decisions like this, lack of ESB Han after releasing all the other main Bespin players. And then of course releasing 3PO in order from least desirable (AOTC) from an OT sense to most desirable (ANH, still not there yet).
All that said, the best Threepio I've EVER seen was the Tamashii version that one of our board member customized with some very authentic looking weathering. Was that you @davejames ?
pretty sure you're thinking of @james the cat 's - IIRC he posted some higher-res close-ups in the Tamashii thread but I can't find them. Anyone who wants to go trawling, start at post #5799

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Looking forward to this guy arriving, but a bit confused with the weathering. Will probably tone it back a little with some kind of remover.

I still have my custom Sideshow C-3PO repaint to fill in my ANH needs for now:

Sir, please do not link to your work ever again, I have fallen into a deep depression that companies will never give us something that awesome :angryfist:
Upon watching ROTJ for the 1 millionth time yesterday,the weathering makes sense from a Jabbas Palace and Sail Barge POV.
Keen to get this inhand to note if it's just everyone's amazing camera skills picking up the amount of weathering OR of it really that noticeable to the naked eye?
A few shots in the film show the weathering so im good with it.

I assume the cleaner version of 3PO will release NEXT yr for the ROTS anniversary or for 2027 for ANH 50th.

HT have no ryhme or reason,so probably 2089.
I’m of opposite mindset. This is the 2nd 3PO in less than a year of release. I think HT will make more soon. TPM 25th and ROTS in a couple years for that pristine look (my favorite). They have the molds just different chrome finish and they could knockout different variants. Eventual ESB with detachable limbs/torso and then TFA version as last.
Upon watching ROTJ for the 1 millionth time yesterday,the weathering makes sense from a Jabbas Palace and Sail Barge POV.
Keen to get this inhand to note if it's just everyone's amazing camera skills picking up the amount of weathering OR of it really that noticeable to the naked eye?
A few shots in the film show the weathering so im good with it.

I assume the cleaner version of 3PO will release NEXT yr for the ROTS anniversary or for 2027 for ANH 50th.

HT have no ryhme or reason,so probably 2089.
I was thinking the same... the speckled on sand effect weathering kind of suits the sail barge scene. So i'm ok with it.

And we might be able to knock it back a tad with some alcohol wipes if it's a little too much.

I still would have preferred something closer to this though.
Yeah, even back in 1983 I remember instantly noticing that 3-PO lost all his shine. Almost looked like gold paint instead of chrome. I understand that Hot Toys is trying to replicate that look but the speckling just doesnt do it for me. Still getting him so I hope that at a normal viewing distances its not as in your face as some of these close up images make it look?
Worst case scenario, I'm sure it's not that hard to knock some of the weathering back. But a lot of the photos are very high-resolution close-ups that don't replicate the shelf. More of these need to get in-hand. Only then we panic.:panic: