Hot Toys MMS701 C-3PO (ROTJ)

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As far as R2 is concerned, I bought the SS cause it was a decent price when it came out and it was better than the Hasbro one I had as a stand in. Once the HT was released I kept the SS rather than trying to sell it off cause I know I wasn’t going to get a good price for it. So I regulated him to the sail barge only display. Plus I needed someone to stand with Skiff guard Lando.
Unfortunately the SS serving tray doesn’t fit on the HT R2. I’ve tried. Without modification it’s not possible. I kept my sideshow version as a ROTJ R2 so I could display him with the tray. It helps cover the ugly seam on the dome.
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Did you do a whole body swap to achieve that Lando look or were you able to just pull out the SS neck? How easy is it to go back and forth
Did you do a whole body swap to achieve that Lando look or were you able to just pull out the SS neck? How easy is it to go back and forth
I bought a second headsculpt and cut the neck off it to fit the SS body. I tried doing a body swap but the deep neckline on the clothing exposes any neck joint even with futzing. I thought it was the easiest solution. When I swap I just pop the helmet sculpt onto the body since you can’t really see the face underneath. I suppose if I really wanted to be full on accurate I’d buy another sculpt to fit inside the helmet but I feel like that would be a waste right now.
As far as R2 is concerned, I bought the SS cause it was a decent price when it came out and it was better than the Hasbro one I had as a stand in. Once the HT was released I kept the SS rather than trying to sell it off cause I know I wasn’t going to get a good price for it. So I regulated him to the sail barge only display. Plus I needed someone to stand with Skiff guard Lando.
Did you remove the weathering on your SS R2? Mine seems to be much more weathered and grimy.
It will still add up to 200+ figs, but I manage to keep all of that displayed in one room with only a couple of cabinets slightly more crowded than I'd like.
This is what I am struggling with right now. I'm new to Hot Toys collecting and the impulse is to buy everything I see that I feel I "need". I personally do not like the look of mass grouping displays much preferring the museum style where you have one figure per display section/shelf etc.

Ive only been at it for about 6 months now and am already accumulating more figures than I can comfortably display!
Did you remove the weathering on your SS R2? Mine seems to be much more weathered and grimy.
No. Mine was a first run on the first batch. I think the second run had more weathering but I’d have to comb back through posts in that thread. Mine had minimal weathering from the start.
I bought a second headsculpt and cut the neck off it to fit the SS body. I tried doing a body swap but the deep neckline on the clothing exposes any neck joint even with futzing. I thought it was the easiest solution. When I swap I just pop the helmet sculpt onto the body since you can’t really see the face underneath. I suppose if I really wanted to be full on accurate I’d buy another sculpt to fit inside the helmet but I feel like that would be a waste right now.
Ah okay, I can kind of see the original SS neck now, thanks for the info. :duff Looks great.

I tend to prefer with the helmet, as you said you can't really see the SS face, but I've never even considered using the SS unhelmeted head since it looks a bit cartoony.
Justin's review is giving me second thought on skipping this guy. He really looks terrific in a lot of those photos and the odd speckled weathering doesn't look as distracting as I thought it would.
It does look really great in the review. I'll have to see how it stacks up against the Tama in person.
Hope you weren't planning to preorder one! Should still be other retailers you can try
yeah I was as I have enough points now for 10% off or $50 off.
Likely pre sold out.
I was playing roulette with him,Padme and the new Vader.
Sometimes they take them down and put back on when instock...
I'll keep an eye on GoFigureCollectibles too.
It always makes me laugh when people say they're waiting for a ROTJ R2. Unless you specifically want him posed with the serving tray, just get the AOTC R2 that they released. you know.. because it's the same droid. Who cares what it says on the box.
Agreed. But I will say that AOTC R2 is dramatically weathered, which is not for everyone. And if you want a more neutral or lightly weathered version that leaves you a very pricey OT version in the aftermarket, or a really sparse force awakens version that has little to no accessories.
I haven’t seen anyone mention that they passed on the other HT R2s because they’re waiting on a ROTJ version but I am definitely someone who would pickup an HT ROTJ version with a serving tray.
I haven’t seen anyone mention that they passed on the other HT R2s because they’re waiting on a ROTJ version but I am definitely someone who would pickup an HT ROTJ version with a serving tray.
I did, mostly because I didn't know about the OT release. Looking at it though I like the weathering on the AOTC R2 and will order off Amazon Japan next week. Since it's a great price and free international shipping.
Agreed. But I will say that AOTC R2 is dramatically weathered, which is not for everyone. And if you want a more neutral or lightly weathered version that leaves you a very pricey OT version in the aftermarket, or a really sparse force awakens version that has little to no accessories.
Fair enough, but I think a ROTJ R2 will ultimately be weathered. I think it matches more with a weathered 3PO too.

I'd like to see a dagobah R2 with heavy weathering
I did, mostly because I didn't know about the OT release. Looking at it though I like the weathering on the AOTC R2 and will order off Amazon Japan next week. Since it's a great price and free international shipping.
AOTC R2 is a great figure. I’ve got the TFA version posed with my SS 3PO right now and they look just fine to me.