Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Clone Wars)

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Finally!! Been waiting a long time for this one and well worth it! Going to look great next to TCW Anakin, Ahsoka & AOTC Padme & the droids. Only problem now is I find myself really wanting Rex!
They go and leave the best McGregor headsculpt for the Clone Wars version? Still, it makes it worth picking up a couple and replacing the ROTS Kenobi hs.

Was just about to put the CW Anakin up for sale today and then this dropped. That has to be fate.

Well, instant PO for sure:rock. For those that want the more realistic type clone armor, maybe you can get 3D printed parts?:huh

I like the fact that the cape looks to be magnetic and I'm glad Hot Toys is going more and more with the USB light Sabre function.
Bring on Ventress, Grievous, Savage Opress and as much CWs characters as Hot Toys can possibly give us.
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not a fan of the cartoon but love the design. Will get and I'm curious if Ican mix together a rots kenobi from what I have laying around..
I’m curious what else will come from this line. I wonder if Hot Toys would compete with Sideshow and do their own version of an animated inspired Cad Bane. An Asajj would also be awesome.
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Well, instant PO for sure:rock. For those that want the more realistic type clone armor, maybe you can get 3D printed parts?:huh

I like the fact that the cape looks to be magnetic and I'm glad Hot Toys is going more and more with the USB light Sabre function.
Bring on Ventress, Grievous, Savage Opress and as much CWs characters as Hot Toys can possibly give us.
Saving this one for Bespin Han's release?

Finally! Hope springs eternal! Looking forward to pairing him up with Anakin. Only issue will be trying to grab AOTC Anakin's USB saber to match.
For sure! Honestly, the CW Anakin and Kenobi together are one of the best duos I can think of from a visual aesthetic view. The colors, the armor, just all around cool. CW Anakin going low stock in 3....2....1
Orderedddd! What a great day to finally get CW Kenobi up from HT. My Q1 2024 is gonna be stacked with PT releases. I'm so excited! Keep them coming!!