Im hoping for more around the $180-$190 mark since that was what Sweeney priced in as, but with this being Disney and Jack Sparrow, it could end up being around your guestimate.
Exactly my thinking, this is why I like you buddy
Im hoping for more around the $180-$190 mark since that was what Sweeney priced in as, but with this being Disney and Jack Sparrow, it could end up being around your guestimate.
That would ____ing rock! I'd want another one though, more like the previous sculpt.
Do we know for certain this won't be a DX?
Would it be completely impossible for them to make it a straight rerelease of the original Cannibal King, minus the second HS but plus throne?
I still hope they include other bits to make a regular Dead Man's Chest Jack.
Yeah...coat, hat, bandolier, sword, scabbard, bits and bobs
Well other than the coat and hat, the old one came with all of that, and I think the expectation was that peopel would just use the spare head on the first Jack because that head was so-so. In figure form, there's not a lot of difference between DMC and AWE Jack, subtle things with his hair but that's not likely to be captured with a figure.
Not exactly sure why they felt the need to change his wig again for OST though.
My impression from the OST behind the scenes materials is that Rob Marshall worked with production and Johnny on making some minor changes with Jack's parts to give the movie his own signature. Even Gibbs looks a little different from the first 3.
So the changes were Johnny's touch then?
I would assume Johnny had some input, he's always had inputs about what goes on with Jack's stuff. Apparently he even came up with the missionary character in OST.
Ha! Cool! My wife loves that character. Im assuming we will see him again in the next film eh?
Doubtful, I feel like his character is wrapped.