Hot Toys Predator: Jungle Hunter 2.0

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As im looking at this new close up I am literally holding my classic pred and laughing at the amount of similarities that are lazily brought forward to this. If they wanna do this so poorly where tf is my chopper predator release? He would literally be the exact same as the other two. Hot toys is just goofin around here
I never owned a Hot Toys Predator so was holding out hope for this one, are the "green" parts on the armour accurate?
I always remember them as being silver/metal.
I wouldn't say greenish exactly, but there was definitely a whole lot more color variation than we got on the previous figure. And it wasn't just a solid gunmetal gray.

I echo my original thoughts. :monkey4:dump:rip
Yeah. I used to own this exact figure. Now mmmaaybe we're still looking at a placeholder but if not, easy pass. Which would be a shame because if they put some effort into an accurate, properly proportioned and appropriately tall KPH Jungle Hunter I certainly would buy back into 1/6 Predator.
Le blu-tac sur la plaque d'armure de la jambe gauche, zéro soin sur celui-ci. Tant de choses ne vont pas, le désordre chaud est tout ce que je vois.
Cette partie me déprime aussi, soins de la peinture et couleur du poignet 😂😂


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The Terminators and Xenomorph got me all excited and then this brings me back down. They're being lazy with this one.

Lazy does not describe it at all. After seeing recent 2.0 I was quite optimistic. They have new materials, better sculpts, paintjob and prints are more sophisticated. What we have here is bad. Paintjob is completely butchered, position of armor plate is wrong, mask is not accurate, blades look like cheap plastic. List goes on. Look at previous predator releases, some of them a literally Mona Lisa compared to this.
That green paint job on the armour is giving me anxiety 😥😂 I’m sure this is getting a major update though. The Wolf 2.0 looked amazing and the new Feral Predator looks just as great. With all the competition from other brands like InArt and such I don’t think they have the time to drop the ball on this figure.

I dont know though, that’s just my thoughts opinions
Paintjob is completely butchered
It looks like it was done in a hurry and not by one of their usual artists. The Classic had a super intricate dot pattern on the skin, surprisingly clean and dense.


They'd have been better off leaving the body paint as it was for their placeholder.
With all the competition from other brands like InArt and such I don’t think they have the time to drop the ball on this figure.

I dont know though, that’s just my thoughts opinions
honestly if Inart picked up the predator line I would go bananas for it, Im so tired of the same body being repainted, with all the same issues; head size, height, etc. If im throwing big money on this line I wanna see something worth doing that
honestly if Inart picked up the predator line I would go bananas for it, Im so tired of the same body being repainted, with all the same issues; head size, height, etc. If im throwing big money on this line I wanna see something worth doing that
Mate if InArt held the license for the Predator I’d buy 2 just to have one for display and one MIB