Very nice shots! Just paint up the lava there 
then you should not look into HT versions at all, because they have no single accurately shaped detail.I'm looking to buy a full metal T-800 and trying to find the most accurate one.
I was only aware of one version of this figure. Any samples you may see where the collarbone hydraulics have been fixed are custom-jobs.
As far as accuracy, I don't think there has yet been a completely accurate endoskeleton although I only have personal experience with a few of the action figures - McFarlane, NECA and Hot Toys. Of these, only this Hot Toys 1:4 has metal parts but much of it is still plastic.
There was another endoskeleton made by Aoshima - in ''1:6'' but their idea of 1:6 might be different to Hot Toys - I never had this one to be sure. I think it had metal components - but from pics it doesn't look completely accurate either.
I had the die cast Aoshima. It's no where near the HT. The hands are one molded piece that don't look right at all. Still a nice endo fig though.
I also own it. Being metal it is quite cool, but the details are softer than HT endos.