I bought a few SS R2’s with the the goal of getting one where the seam was minimal (took advantage of different sales and sold off the ones that weren’t great), though even if it’s bad you can usually rotate R2’s dome a bit to minimize the issue head on. Another thing that can be done if you don’t mind minor customizing is taking some isopropyl alcohol to the dome (with a q-tip or cotton ball) to remove the grime a bit and make the silver paint pop a bit more. The Sideshow R2 held up okay for me. It just became an issue when I had both. I wish I could have held out for the OT one from Hot Toys but I was weak and pre-ordered this one some time back. I thought to myself maybe I could have one R2 that just does nothing, and then I’ll get the OT version for some of the gadgets, but I know I’ll just drop this one if the OT version is clearly better.