Boba Ben
Super Freak
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Get that Sheva, Fatso. She's pretty awesome.
note: added grammar comma per Skiman.
I like the Sheva figure, but not enough to pay $300 + for her which is what she's going at atm. If her head sculpt had been dead on accurate, I would have had her in my collection allready. Right now I'm just hoping I'll luck out and find a deal on her.
Atm Jill and the Falconer and Tracker Preds are my main want's (though I still need a Sheva figure). Now that I sold my MK IV Iron Man I once again am assured I have enough for her when she comes out but I'd like to get Falconer soon before he sells out everywhere and his price goes up. Tracker I don't have to really worry about till August or so. I just wish I had a solid confirmation on when Jill will come out. If I knew for certain she wouldn't be released till sometime in May in Asia, I'd pick up Falconer right now.
As an RE fan I say get Sheva first. However as an objective figure collector, I say get Falconer. I just got him and he's brilliant. You need him for the trio![]()
Plus once Falconer sells out I have a feeling he'll increase in price a lot faster than Sheva has.
The one on the right looks more like Sheva than the HT figure does.
I'm hereby replacing my original fat Sheva picture with this:
But you can never have enough Jill.