the original guard toys were amongst my favourites from the toys I had as a child so buying at least one of them is a must for me , when I starting collecting ht and ss starwars last year which was all ht yoda's fault I was hoping they would do the royal guard and boom not long after ht revealed they were doing them my inner child was well happy
i'm only going so far with my collection I have an end goal which is not far off it ( its amazing when I started march last year just about every figure I wanted got revealed must have been fate

I have
all 6 sideshow bounty hunters
ht darth vader and 2 ht storm troopers to go with him ( the 2 pack )
ht tarkin
ht snow trooper
ht sandtrooper
ht anh obi wan
ht yoda which started this whole thing
ss c-3po
ht rtd2 but might end up selling that to get the new one shown this year
ht old han and chewy
ht k2so
ss jawa's which I didn't plan on getting but got them through sideshows live shows
got ht return of the jedi luke nearly paid for with sideshow
so that just leaves
the emperor and royal guard
deathstar gunner i'm yet to buy
anh han solo need to rebuy that figure had to sell it needed the cash
and lastly boushh disguise leia … which I have been putting off in hopes either ss will redo it or ht will make it but becoming harder to resist the ss one but will only grab one through bidding not the high buy it now prices

"edit" need to grab a tie fighter pilot and might buy the lando skiff guard figure
might also buy the ht darth maul and if a decent admiral ackbar is made will buy that
but that's about all I have room for have a pretty big and ever growing transformers masterpiece collection and record collection which takes priority space

( I say this now but will check back in around a years time
