Looks like the only two figure ready for immediate PO are Luke and Leia Endor.
And sadly Leia looks like an incomplete figure (unclear if she can only be displayed with helmet on) and Luke looks like the accessories for an already PO'd figure.
Looks like the only two figure ready for immediate PO are Luke and Leia Endor.
His eyes look unpainted in those pics.
Proto not finished therefore approval still pending.... which could takes months before PO.
Exactly. In the past, figures shown at SDCC could take months or longer before PO was available. With HT's, who knows. Look at how long the DC folks had to wait for Keaton Batman Returns. But this is Star Wars, so it will not be that long.
Which also implies there is no rush on SW characters... so they can make a few more Ironmen.
I mean would anyone really want a Letjoker in 10 years?
That's why I say Yellow Jacket is kaput at this point. The PO hype train for that figure left the station about two years ago, roughly I'd say two months after Ant-Man was in theaters. Classic SW characters though, interest in those will never wane.