Hot Toys rubber deterioration

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Again, leather watch bands are subject to constant movement and stress.
Being a real material, it will of course break down eventually, but being under essentially no stress, that will likely be in 20+ years at an absolute minimum....

If we want an actual comparison, anyone want to comment on Enterbays 1/4 T2 T800 clean version? That has a full leather outfit.
That is now a couple of years old. I haven't heard of anyone desperately applying leather waxes.....yet :D

The problem is the leather straps weren't really being worn, the leather pretty much just hardens & become fragile due to non proper storage (just put inside a box), I don't know whether 1/4 T2 T800 uses real leather of pleather, if it's pleather it really depends the type of pleather they use. But if you have confidence with your leather then i don't think it'd be an issue for you. For me i've encountered too many problems with Pleather/Leather so if i can wax them up when new i don't see it as a bad thing to do. For Pleather it might just make them last 1 year longer. What i did for SS Anakin was put some thin coat of paper glue coating on the areas starting to flake/melt.
The problem is the leather straps weren't really being worn, the leather pretty much just hardens & become fragile due to non proper storage (just put inside a box), I don't know whether 1/4 T2 T800 uses real leather of pleather, if it's pleather it really depends the type of pleather they use. But if you have confidence with your leather then i don't think it'd be an issue for you. For me i've encountered too many problems with Pleather/Leather so if i can wax them up when new i don't see it as a bad thing to do. For Pleather it might just make them last 1 year longer. What i did for SS Anakin was put some thin coat of paper glue coating on the areas starting to flake/melt.

The T800 'clean version' is all real leather. (the 2nd release, the battle damaged version is not leather)
Pleather and leather are completely different. Pleather will break down relatively quickly as it is a cheap and low quality plastic.
I own many leather jackets (too many if you listen to my wife :) ) and yes, leather products under stress should be treated with a dressing if you want to keep them in good condition.
On statues I wouldn't bother but that's just me ...though unless the company is specifically marketing that they are using real leather I would assume its going to a cheap artifical substitute.
Hot Toys Sarah Connor MMS119 cracking rubber concern, should I worry?


I recently started collecting some statues and now Hot Toys. :) Is currently a happy owner of a T-1000 and T-800 DX Battle Damage.

Would very much like to complete my collection with Sarah Connor MMS119, but is a bit concerned about the cracking rubber (arms) some are talking about?

Do any of you have this problem with your figure, now that it is a 2-3 year old? Or can it be avoided not stressing it's movement/pose?

I got the opportunity to buy it sealed and unopened :D

Thanks in advance! :D
Re: Hot Toys Sarah Connor MMS119 cracking rubber concern, should I worry?

I sold one several months back that was displayed. It showed no signs of rubber cracking, but the black clam shell did leave black marks on the arms. Just had to rub them off.
Re: Hot Toys Sarah Connor MMS119 cracking rubber concern, should I worry?

Okay thanks for the reply. :) Did you have it standing in a pose or just resting? :)
Re: Hot Toys Sarah Connor MMS119 cracking rubber concern, should I worry?

I've had mine on display since release, no cracking however I never pose the figure, if the arms are left in a bent pose it would likely crack overtime, I took this picture about a week ago

Re: Hot Toys Sarah Connor MMS119 cracking rubber concern, should I worry?

It depends on how dry of a climate you live in.

I live in HK, which is fairly humid, and I've never had any trouble with rubber joints cracking. My T-1000 disguised as Sarah Conner has slightly bent arms, in the pose where she is dragging her feet with the shot gun. I haven't reposed it since I bought it, but its in pristine condition.
Re: Hot Toys Sarah Connor MMS119 cracking rubber concern, should I worry?

I think my arms might have yellowed a bit but I don't think the arms will crack on this one. King Leonids who is all rubber and older than Sarah have never had any reports of rotting rubber whatsoever. 20 years from now, who knows, but I think you're fine.

Add Sarah to your collection! You'll be glad you did I think.
Re: Hot Toys Sarah Connor MMS119 cracking rubber concern, should I worry?

Excellent post on a Thursday night, pray it doesn't get removed by Friday...:yess:
Re: Hot Toys Sarah Connor MMS119 cracking rubber concern, should I worry?


Your figure looks to be in great condition. :)
Re: Hot Toys Sarah Connor MMS119 cracking rubber concern, should I worry?

It depends on how dry of a climate you live in.

I live in HK, which is fairly humid, and I've never had any trouble with rubber joints cracking. My T-1000 disguised as Sarah Conner has slightly bent arms, in the pose where she is dragging her feet with the shot gun. I haven't reposed it since I bought it, but its in pristine condition.

Rubber hates heat & other plastic/rubber materials more than humidity.
Damn, I hate to report that I have finally fell victim to the dreaded hot toys rubber deterioration on my Chris Redfield BSAA version. I have had the figure since release in about 2009-2010, I've had it on display the whole time and only posed it once to check the joints and left them in a strait arm pose for fear of this very issue, figure was as mint as the day it came out of the box and has been displayed in a glass detolf. You can see I never even removed the plastic on the arms that protected it during shipping from hot toys.

I've always figured if I take care not to pose rubber figures I could avoid this issue, not the case this time, I'm torn on what to do with the figure, I'm a bit **** with my figures and this is going to annoy me knowing its no longer in mint condition, but I still really like the figure:thud:




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Maybe you could apply some kind of epoxide or glue from an art store, theres has to be something that you can use to repair it, the problem is matching the skin color. Good luck.
Nope, there's no repairing that - rotten luck Skull :(

I think that little muppet who tried to blame collectors for their figures' rubber deterioration was banned. But here's another example of how it's just a matter of time when it comes to rubber figures. Only thing to do is replace the bodies to at least retain the character on the shelf.
As sad as the situation is, it isn't a lost cause. There are plenty of replacement bodies out there and the figure will be as good as new. We shouldn't have to do that so soon, but it is what it is. Try replacing that Arkham Bats HT is releasing.
Damn, I hate to report that I have finally fell victim to the dreaded hot toys rubber deterioration on my Chris Redfield BSAA version. I have had the figure since release in about 2009-2010, I've had it on display the whole time and only posed it once to check the joints and left them in a strait arm pose for fear of this very issue, figure was as mint as the day it came out of the box and has been displayed in a glass detolf. You can see I never even removed the plastic on the arms that protected it during shipping from hot toys.

I've always figured if I take care not to pose rubber figures I could avoid this issue, not the case this time, I'm torn on what to do with the figure, I'm a bit **** with my figures and this is going to annoy me knowing its no longer in mint condition, but I still really like the figure:thud:


Dang, Skull. That sucks. He's one of the figures I still want to get but those rubber arms have always but me off. I still might track one down someday but I might try and do a body swap.
As sad as the situation is, it isn't a lost cause. There are plenty of replacement bodies out there and the figure will be as good as new. We shouldn't have to do that so soon, but it is what it is. Try replacing that Arkham Bats HT is releasing.

Exactly. That might be the problem with some of the rubber suits figures.
Maybe you could apply some kind of epoxide or glue from an art store, theres has to be something that you can use to repair it, the problem is matching the skin color. Good luck.

it will work as long as you don't move it since the epoxy/putty/glue will harden when dried compared to rubber. and color it with matching paint.
It could be you didn't have the arms 100% straight and any slight bend would stretch the rubber at the elbow. Though doesn't look too bad. Get some good clear rubber epoxy or super glue, carefully drop it in via toothpick not too blobby so it doesn't squeeze out, then push the two ends together for 10 seconds making sure the seam is nice and even, carefully wipe away excess quickly with finger, done :)