Hot Toys Savage Opress

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Sideshow isn’t an alternative for me, unfortunately.

And I guess I’ll always care about it lol, cause I’m “passionate” about the Clone Wars and it bothers me more than I’d care to admit how they get these figures in this line wrong for x reason. What really gets to me is when HT fails to realize how certain things are supposed to look like in live-action like the clone trooper pauldrons, kamas, etc., and they insist on giving them the animated style vs the ROTS live-action style. I remember when they announced Rex, I was so let down lol
There’s no consistency on the designs even through the movies surely you don’t expect SW to keep design continuity between different mediums
There’s no consistency on the designs even through the movies surely you don’t expect SW to keep design continuity between different mediums
I personally can haha, cause I’m solely referring to Lucas’s prime Prequels characters/designs.. not referring to OT or Disney Lucasfilm era designs or even BF (2015+), etc.
I personally can haha, cause I’m solely referring to Lucas’s prime Prequels characters/designs.. not referring to OT or Disney Lucasfilm era designs or even BF (2015+), etc.
Prequel designs aren’t all consistent either, Kit Fisto’s face, battledroid voices etc are all different from film to film with no explanation.

Rex’s pauldron is canon, it just looks like that in live action. So other clones can just switch into it
Prequel designs aren’t all consistent either, Kit Fisto’s face, battledroid voices etc are all different from film to film with no explanation.

Rex’s pauldron is canon, it just looks like that in live action. So other clones can just switch into it

While Fisto has a different design between AOTC and ROTS (I prefer ROTS design myself), the clones have a certain set design we saw for Phase I and II armours. Primarily, I’m referring to ROTS when it comes to certain things we saw in that film like the clone trooper pauldrons, kamas, other minute details, etc which are the live-action style for them. But even clones have a set design for their P1 visors as seen in AOTC, which is how Rex’s visor should have looked like in his own unique helmet. Even D Woon and other customizers got it right and not Hot Toys as they gave him the animated P1 visor style. Just like them getting the forearm armor wrong for CW Obi-Wan, another case where they failed to realize there’s a live action look for the forearm gauntlet armor. Etc etc, list goes on and on. Rex’s pauldron should’ve looked like the live-action style as seen in ROTS worn by the clone commanders, Disney and Hot Toys fitted him with the animated style. Rex’s outsole color is wrong too lol, should’ve been light grey just like EVERY clone trooper in live action. Guess why they went with white? Cause in the show, they all have white outsoles. 501st and Coruscant Guard figures have grey ones cause they’re basically based on the ROTS models, well more so the CG as that’s a carbon copy of the ROTS Shock Trooper cg model (Thire). Cody is a ROTS MMS figure. There’s all kinds of things I’ve picked up on that are wrong with Hot Toys clone figures, don’t get me started on why I’m not a fan of the other figures in the line like Ahsoka, Maul, etc.

Edit: HT 501st phase 1 bucket/inclusion in the set is wrong, the 501st had different markings in the show.

Echo and Fives helmets should’ve been P1.5 but they went with a made up “P1.75” style for them mix matching elements from their P1.5 and P2 helmets.

Kamas should be longer as in live action.

Hot Toys decided to give all clone figures the animated style for the DC-15S and DC-15A (I don’t know about the other weapons just the main ones).

501st is a weird blend. It’s more live action based but without the blue on the back like in the show and has the darker blue shade which personally doesn’t bother me but it should’ve been lighter teal blue like in the ROTS CG model or BF original game. Also missing the chest detail.

That’s all I got top of my head for now.

I’ll have to dig everything up, but I’ve got references and source images if you’d like to see.

And yeah.. I won’t budge on this lol.
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I've been dying for this figure. For me, it looks incredible. Everything I could've wanted from a Savage figure. He's massive and intimidating, got the mech arm, damaged spikes, his axe/spear. I love everything about this figure personally and I ordered it the moment it went up. The fact that I had $230 reward points had nothing to do with it 😂 I did think they would try and use Ray Park as a starting point for the likeness to maybe give it more of a live-action feel and the relationship to Maul (since obviously we have no live action Savage), but I'm loving the way it turned out.
While Fisto has a different design between AOTC and ROTS (I prefer ROTS design myself), the clones have a certain set design we saw for Phase I and II armours. Primarily, I’m referring to ROTS when it comes to certain things we saw in that film like the clone trooper pauldrons, kamas, other minute details, etc which are the live-action style for them. But even clones have a set design for their P1 visors as seen in AOTC, which is how Rex’s visor should have looked like in his own unique helmet. Even D Woon and other customizers got it right and not Hot Toys as they gave him the animated P1 visor style. Just like them getting the forearm armor wrong for CW Obi-Wan, another case where they failed to realize there’s a live action look for the forearm gauntlet armor. Etc etc, list goes on and on. Rex’s pauldron should’ve looked like the live-action style as seen in ROTS worn by the clone commanders, Disney and Hot Toys fitted him with the animated style. Rex’s outsole color is wrong too lol, should’ve been light grey just like EVERY clone trooper in live action. Guess why they went with white? Cause in the show, they all have white outsoles. 501st and Coruscant Guard figures have grey ones cause they’re basically based on the ROTS models, well more so the CG as that’s a carbon copy of the ROTS Shock Trooper cg model (Thire). Cody is a ROTS MMS figure. There’s all kinds of things I’ve picked up on that are wrong with Hot Toys clone figures, don’t get me started on why I’m not a fan of the other figures in the line like Ahsoka, Maul, etc.

Edit: HT 501st phase 1 bucket/inclusion in the set is wrong, the 501st had different markings in the show.

Echo and Fives helmets should’ve been P1.5 but they went with a made up “P1.75” style for them mix matching elements from their P1.5 and P2 helmets.

Kamas should be longer as in live action.

Hot Toys decided to give all clone figures the animated style for the DC-15S and DC-15A (I don’t know about the other weapons just the main ones).

501st is a weird blend. It’s more live action based but without the blue on the back like in the show and has the darker blue shade which personally doesn’t bother me but it should’ve been lighter teal blue like in the ROTS CG model or BF original game. Also missing the chest detail.

That’s all I got top of my head for now.

I’ll have to dig everything up, but I’ve got references and source images if you’d like to see.

And yeah.. I won’t budge on this lol.
HT frequently goes halfway. Half measures mean they have an open door for 2.0's so maybe it is intentional.

I place blame for Ahsoka troopers look on the Lucasfilm and the people making the suits who apparently were in a rush and made the suits based on the inaccurate CG model that blends macquette and a couple first order elements.

Blame for Clone Wars Rex though being semi animated style lays on HT though (ok, it could be that the licensor Lucasfilm mandated or only approved certain things like animated pauldron so I am willing to shift blame if such evidence comes to light).

It is ridiculous that we still don't have proper movie version weapons. Almost every clone has the unused prop aka realistic clone wars design blasters even though ROTS and AOTC used the movie design and then Kenobi show clone comes with Andor/Mando s3/Ahsoka version blasterswhen it should have movie style blasters (couple slight minot design differences but basically the movie blasters).

HT is really frustrating. Lucasfilm under Disney is really frustrating. Frustrating because both are more than capable of getting things right and often come so close, but they seem to insist on boneheaded decisions that self sabotage and put out inaccurate, incomplete or subpar product.

Even Sideshow many years ago got the phase 1 helmet correct and the phase 1.5 almost correct. HT's phase 1 helmet is plain off on multiple areas while their phase 1.5 is simply a phase 2 helmet with a phase 1 fin. Sigh.
Prequel designs aren’t all consistent either, Kit Fisto’s face, battledroid voices etc are all different from film to film with no explanation.

Rex’s pauldron is canon, it just looks like that in live action. So other clones can just switch into it
Change of actor, improved prosthetics etc often result in small changes. Being an alien his appearance change could be part of his ageing/health etc. Not the same thing as an established design such as the shoulder pauldron and completely redesigning it to match the stylised animated look. If for ROTS they decided to plaster Christopher Lee in prosthetics to make him look like his cartoon appearance with the super elongated head we would all rightly complain and question why they even did it. Rex should have had ROTS pauldron, something that again Sideshow got right many years ago with their phase 1 Rex. (Curiously, their phase 2 Rex had the silly cartoon pauldron, so perhaps it was a licensor mandate. IIRC that figure was developed post Disney acquisition so perhaps all these silly design issues are down to the licensor not understanding what stylisation is and they simply mandate animated designs for realistic stuff despite it making zero sense)