we received what we deserve. a sticker on a box.
I wonder if stock will go up on sideshow this week or if they sold the allotment.
yeah..look at Evilbay...
I asked a friend who was there to get me one and she said they sold out
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You might have noticed me saying, "It's definitely red." That was me saying exactly what you just said.
Having said that, though, it's definitely in line with the cleanness of the Praetorians, or even the iTroopers from TFA. The First Order is comprised of a bunch of tyrannical, thin-skinned, controlling ****s. It's easy to imagine their leadership/middle management being the sort that would find "weathering" unacceptable.
Absolutely stunning gallery of shots. You showcase the figure really well. That said, I'm still not inclined to get it.
I just don't like Disney duckbills, no matter what color they are. These red ones are screaming "Black Hole" to me for some reason.
Thanks for the good look.